Ok, Boomer: Gen Z Becomes Civically Engaged (FNDS 1601)

Greta Thunberg expressed what many Millennials and Generation Z people have been thinking: The previous generations are thought to have really messed things up.
Racism, climate change, sexism, the justice system and inequality are among the concerns. How are you going to make sure your generation fixes some of the problems and does not fail the next generations? What are the most important challenges in today’s society? How do you go about building a political community through civic engagement to ensure justice, safety, health, and sustainability?
We will be focusing on race and civic engagement, and there will be opportunities for you to explore various topics and take some actions designed by you, the students, with the goal of continuing the activism for years to come. We will also have activities to strengthen your ties to the campus community. In small groups cohorts, you will evaluate each other’s projects and thereby help them make it even stronger.
This course covers topics in the discipline of Political Science.

Who should take this course?
Students who want to make a difference in their communities and beyond. People who know that although this country is divided and things look bleak, the post-boomers can make things better and students will get some tools to affect change.
More about this course
Course number: FNDS 1601
Number of Credits: 4
Search ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Class Schedule to find out more.
Dearborn Discovery Core requirements met: Social and Behavioral Analysis
Meet your faculty member: Sheryl Edwards, Lecturer IV in Political Science
One of the benefits of taking a Foundations course is gaining a faculty mentor that can support you throughout your college career. Get to know Sheryl Edwards, faculty member for Ok, Boomer: Gen Z Becomes Civically Engaged.

Edwards is irreverent, loves irony and uses it often, and is human. She loves camping, traveling, her grandkids and kids (oops, and husband), following current affairs, and teaching.
Her latest binge-watching is British mysteries while waiting for Lucifer and Ozarks to come back. Favorite all time series: West Wing, followed closely by The Wire.
Have questions about this course? Email Prof. Edwards at [email protected].