Vive la Différence: Perspectives on hybrid identities through French language and francophone cultures (FNDS 3303)

This course will explore and deal with perspectives on identities, both broad and specific.
Students will engage in discussions that delve into identity as a general theme, and will then begin to add different ‘lenses’ to other aspects that identity encompasses, with the specific angle of different cultures, even more specifically, cultures that have been influenced by the French language.
As a French professor, I am passionate about French language and culture, which has led me to meet people from a wide range of countries, and some of the conversations I’ve had with various French speakers has had an immense effect on my world perspective, on my own identity and culture, and has helped me to be a more self-aware human being, more sure of myself and more interested in understanding others. This course aims to give you that same exposure, and my goal is that you will leave the course with not only some understanding of other culture, about the idea of hybrid identities, and how identity is viewed in various Francophone cultures (which should have a profound impact on how you view and interact with people around you), but also that you’ll have developed some critical thinking, communication skills, and self-awareness that will set you up for success in your college career and beyond.

**You do NOT need to speak French to take this course. Materials will have subtitles, and discussions and written work, presentations, etc. will be done in English. If you do speak French, you may submit written work in French, so long as it has the English translation with it.
Who should take this course?
Any student who is interested in exploring the concept of hybrid or forced identities, what cultural identity means in different countries, and is interested in hearing testimonials from various French speakers on identity.
More about this course
Course number: FNDS 3303
Number of Credits: 4
Search ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Class Schedule to find out more.
Dearborn Discovery Core requirements met: Intersections and Social & Behavioral Analysis
Meet your faculty member: Jerilyn Mannion, Teaching Professor of French
One of the benefits of taking a Foundations course is gaining a faculty mentor that can support you throughout your college career. Get to know Jerilyn Mannion, faculty member for Vive la Différence: Perspectives on hybrid identities through French language and francophone cultures.

Bonjour! I have been teaching Beginning and Intermediate French at ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn for 15 years, and am very excited to begin a new learning experience with students about how identity is perceived in different cultures, and how that may change our own perceptions of identity and culture.
I lived in France as part of my graduate degree, and have traveled to France and Canada with student groups - maybe a new destination will arise out of this course work! I am looking forward to this journey!
Have questions about this course? Email Prof. Mannion at [email protected].