Student Job Search & Resources

Career Connections is the software that is used to look for and apply to available opportunities including job/internship postings and on-campus recruiting. Participation in an internship or Co-Op will provide you with professional experience with employers which will enhance your skill set and your employability upon graduation. 

Job Search Links

Click on an engineering discipline or a specific topic below to jump to related job search links.

Opportunities in Health Industries for Engineering & Computer Science Students.

The following resources are meant to expose you to STEM and Bioengineering-specific opportunities. They are separated into categories based on what each company does. These companies have career pages which can be used for inquires regarding employment opportunities. 

  • Bioengineering Job Search Links

    You can subscribe to each resource listed below to receive notifications sent directly to your email of any new bioengineering job postings. The following resources are meant to help you make your job search efficient and easy. These sites are useful in a new grad job search, internships, and also helpful for students trying to figure out what types of careers they can find with biotech/engineering degrees.

Additional Job Search Links

The following links will expose you to additional engineering opportunities and resources:  Automation Alley, Linkedin, Professional Associations and NACE Salary Calculator.

Engineering/Technology Contract Companies

Contracting companies match employers with on-the-hunt employees like you! Connect with third-party contracting companies that will help place you into a temporary or permanent position within your field of study. Here is a to assist you in your job hunt. 

CECS Advising Suite: Experiential Learning & Cooperative Education

Students and employers any additional questions you may have regarding internships, cooperative educations and career development events on campus please contact us at the email below: 

Engineering Lab Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128