Student Services

The Benefits of Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is the process of "learning through experience."  There are many opportunities for students to gain hands-on & real world experience on campus. Your experiential learning opportunities during your academic experience include:

Career Preparation

The CECS Experiential Learning Office offers many student services and resources to assist you with your interest in experiential learning and career development.

Stop in the office or contact us for assistance and support take advantage of the many resources available to you.

Take control of your career!

Seek a Full-Time, Co-op or Internship?  The first step is to create your profile and upload your resume onto Career Connections is a university wide JOB BOARD, that you can use to search for opportunities, research employers, upload your resume and much more. 

Career Connections - University Job Board

Experiential Learning Honors Program

Student Clubs and Organizations

Ace the Interview

Congratulations, on your upcoming interview.  To be successful and earn that job, remember the following:

  1. Research, Research, and more Research -  Learn everything you can about the position, employer and their services
  2. Practice, Practice and more Practice Interviewing
  3. Plan Ahead - Prepare questions for the interviewer(s) as if you are interviewing the company

*Download the to document and record your research: employer applications, interviews, contacts and websites.

Also click the "Action Button" below to follow links for interviewing resources.

CECS Advising Suite: Experiential Learning & Cooperative Education

Students and employers any additional questions you may have regarding internships, cooperative educations and career development events on campus please contact us at the email below: 

Engineering Lab Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128