Study Abroad

Engineering and Computer Science Study Abroad Opportunities

The College of Engineering and Computer Science offers two study abroad opportunities for students of all CECS majors. Our exchange programs with Ulm University of Applied Sciences in Germany and Jönköping University in Sweden are a great way to gain intercultural experience while fulfilling degree requirements.

Please contact the Office of Advising and Academic Success to discuss these opportunities with your advisor, or visit the M-Navigator system for information about additional study abroad programs.

CECS Study Abroad Programs


Prechter International Travel Fellowship

CECS students may be eligible for a travel fellowship to help defray some of the cost of travel associated with approved international studies.  The fellowships are made possible by a gift from Ms. Waltraud Prechter.  Students planning to participate in international studies as part of their CECS degree program should contact Lisa Remsing Hall, Advising Director, at 313-593-5510 or [email protected].