Community Commitment to Safety during COVID-19 Pandemic

University of Michigan-Dearborn Early Childhood Education Center aims to deliver their mission while protecting the health and safety of our families and staff and minimizing the potential spread of disease within our community. As the ECEC reopens, all families are required to comply with all ECEC policies, including any public health guidance related to COVID-19. The very nature of in-person child care means our families and staff may be exposed to contagious viruses, including the coronavirus. The ECEC is committed to public health and similarly expects that all families will act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members.

By signing below, I acknowledge, on behalf of myself and my family (and any other person who may interact with the ECEC on behalf of my family), that I have read and understand the following policies and guidelines.

  1. We have received a copy of and agree to abide by the rules and policies set forth in the ECEC Fall Plans, Procedures and Policies document. We understand that these guidelines may change from time to time as the public health crisis unfolds and that the ECEC will provide us a copy of any such modifications as they become effective.
  2. We understand and agree to make every effort to adhere to the specified drop off and pick up times specified in the Fall Plans, Procedures and Policies document. We understand that if we do not come during the designated time frames that we will be asked to wait outside until an available staff member can assist us.
  3. We agree to wear a face covering during drop off, pick up and at any other time we may be at the ECEC. This requirement shall not apply to children under the age of 2 or any person who cannot medically tolerate a face covering. We agree that children over the age of 2 will wear a mask at time of screening and we will keep the mask in a bag or backpack for the child to use during the day if needed.
  4. We understand that any adult dropping off my child(ren) will be asked to answer a daily health screening with respect to my child(ren) and members of the household and we agree to answer the screening questions honestly and to the best of our knowledge.
  5. In the event anyone in my family shows symptoms of fever or chills, new cough, sore throat, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new headache, new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties, diarrhea or vomiting, we agree to keep my child(ren) home. In the event my child(ren) begins to evidence any of these symptoms while in the care of the ECEC, I agree to pick up my child(ren) as soon as possible after being notified by the ECEC. I understand that my child(ren) cannot return to the ECEC until the later of (i) ten days from the onset of symptoms or (ii) 72 hours after the fever abates, as required by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
  6. In the event anyone in my family (or anyone living in our household) tests positive for COVID-19, we shall notify the ECEC of such exposure and self-quarantine for fourteen days.
  7. We understand that if an exposure to COVID-19 within the ECEC community is confirmed, the impacted classroom or center will be required to be closed for 14 days in accordance with University policy.



Child(ren)鈥檚 Names:


Early Childhood Education Center

Early Childhood Education Center
18501 Rotunda
Dearborn, MI 48124