Information Systems 4+1 Option

Move on to your master's degree more quickly and at less cost.

The Information Systems 4+1 option at the University of Michigan-Dearborn allows you to earn both the Bachelor of Business Administration and the Master of Science in Information Systems with a substantial savings of time and money.

You can double-count up to five master's-level information systems courses toward the BBA Information Systems Management major and the MS-Information Systems. Not only will you save five courses, but you'll only be charged the undergraduate base tuition rate for those five master's courses.* The total value of the course substitutions is approximately $16,000 if you go on to complete the MS in Information Systems, assuming part-time enrollment at resident tuition rates.

*You'll be charged the slightly higher graduate course premium, an extra $50 per credit hour compared to the undergraduate course premium as of the 2024-25 academic year.

Information Systems 4+1 Curriculum

In the Information Systems 4+1 option, you would complete the curriculum requirements for the and the , but with the following modified requirements for the BBA Information Systems Management major:

The Information Systems 4+1 option encourages students to pursue more advanced coursework in the Master of Science in Information Systems program. As a result, Information Systems 4+1 students may not receive credit for BA 530, ISM 525, ISM 575, ISM 650, ISM 644, or ISM 642 in the Master’s program if those students have earned a B or better in the equivalent undergraduate courses of ISM 301, ISM 310, ISM 321, ISM 331, ISM 371, or ISM 383, respectively. Instead, Information Systems 4+1 students must replace these courses with more advanced electives from the MS in Information Systems program.


Graduate Student Services

166 - Fairlane Center South
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126