Students from all academic units are eligible to pursue College of Business minors.
BBA students are not required to complete a minor, however, pursuing one can enhance their degree. Minors can provide additional skills and knowledge useful to a student's career. In addition to the College of Business options, there are also a large number of non-business minors that BBA students may pursue.
Required courses:
ACC 298 - Financial Accounting
ACC 299 - Managerial Accounting
ACC 356* or ACC 358 - Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 or Financial Reporting
ACC 360 - Federal Income Taxation
Choose one course from:
Any other three-credit 300 level or above accounting course
*ACC 356 has a prerequisite of ACC 380 & 381, Accounting Information Systems and AIS lab. ACC 380 can be used to fulfill the "choose one course from" requirement.
Required courses:
MKT 352 - Marketing Principles and Policies
MKT 363 - Digital Consumer Search and Marketing
MKT 463 - Digital Analytics and Content Marketing
Choose two courses from:
MKT 360 - Marketing and Society
MKT 454 - Marketing Research
MKT 455 - E-tailing and Retailing
MKT 458 - Advertising
MKT 460 - Digital Communication Strategy
MKT 471 - Entrepreneurial Marketing
MKT 498 - Research Marketing
Prerequisite: ENT 400 – Entrepreneurial Thinking & Behavior
Tier 1, Choose two courses from:
BPS 441 - Small Business Management
ENT 401 - New Venture Planning and Entrepreneurial Processes
ENT 403 - Social Entrepreneurship, Community Leadership, and Social Impact*
Tier 2, Choose one course from:
ACC 439 - Not-for-Profit Accounting
ANTH 320 - Culture and International Business
ANTH 325 - Anthropology of Health and Environment
BPS 441 - Small Business Management
CHE 401 - Community Health Education Methods
COMM 360 - Social Media for PR
COMM 460 - Public Relations Campaigns
ECON 325 - Economics of Poverty and Discrimination
EDB 422 - Leadership, Advocacy, and Administration in Early Childhood Programs
EDC 442 - EC: Family, School, and Community Collaboration
ENGL 364 - Writing for Civic Literacy
ENGL 467 - Script-Writing Workshop
ENGR 360 - Design Innovation: Process, Method, and Practice
ENT 401 - New Venture Planning and Entrepreneurial Processes
ENT 403 - Social Entrepreneurship, Community Leadership, and Social Impact
EXPS 410 - Multiculturalism in School and Society
FIN 411 - Financial and Insurance Planning Fundamentals
FIN 412 - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits
HIST 3651 - Women, Leadership, and Social Change
HIST 3695 - The American City
HHS 350 - Community Organizing for Health
HHS/HPS 404 - Financing the Health and Medical Systems
ISM 371 - IT Strategy: Disrupting Industry Norms, Practices, and Structures
MKT 434 - Sales Management and Personal Selling
MKT 436 - Business to Business Marketing
MKT 471 - Entrepreneurial Marketing
OB 401 - Management Skills Development
OB 403 - Negotiation and Conflict Management
POL 466 - Social Welfare Policy and Politics
POL 484 - Revitalizing Cities
Required Capstone Activity:
Students will complete a faculty approved 3-credit experiential capstone, BA 491 Business Experiential Learning, or ENT 403, Social Entrepreneurship, Community Leadership, and Social Impact*
*If ENT 403 is used to satisfy the Capstone requirement, then BPS 441 and ENT 401 must be elected to satisfy the Tier 1 requirement.
Required courses:
FIN 401 - Corporate Finance
FIN 402 - Advanced Corporate Finance
FIN 407 - Investment Fundamentals
Choose two courses from:
ACC 358 - Financial Reporting
FIN 443 - Commercial Banking: Functional and Operations
FIN 445 - Corporate Financial Models and Applications
FIN 447 - Derivative Markets
FIN 457 - Investment Fund Management
FIN 484 - Seminar: Financial Management
IB 441 - International Financial Management
Required courses:
FIN 401 - Corporate Finance
FIN 407 or ACC 360 - Investment Fundamentals or Federal Income Taxation
FIN 411 - Financial Planning
FIN 412 - Retirement Planning
Choose one course from:
ACC 360 - Federal Income Taxation
FIN 406 - Financial Markets and Institutions
MKT 434 - Sales Management and Personal Selling
Required courses:
HRM 305 - Human Resource Policy and Administration
OB 354 - Behavior in Organization
Choose two courses from:
HRM 406 - Talent Sourcing & Acquisition
HRM 407 - Compensation and Performance Management
HRM 408 - Legal Issues in Human Resources
HRM 409 - Talent & Leadership Development
Choose one course from:
HRM 406 - Talent Sourcing & Acquisition
HRM 407 - Compensation and Performance Management
HRM 408 - Legal Issues in Human Resources
HRM 409 - Talent & Leadership Development
OB 401 - Management Skills Development
OB 402 - Organizational Change and Development
OB 403 - Negotiation and Conflict Management
OB 404 - International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
Required courses:
ISM 310 - Information Systems in Management
ISM 351 - Networking and Collaborative Computing
ISM 383 - Information Technology Security
ISM 387 - Digital Security: Threat Prevention and Management
Choose one course:
ISM 301 – Business Applications Programming
ISM 302 - Object-Oriented Programming
ISM 321 – Database Systems I
ISM 331 – Info Systems Development
ISM 347 - Information Visualization: Business Insights via Storytelling
ISM 371 - IT Strategy: Disrupting Industry Norms, Practices, and Structures
ISM 382 - Advanced Computer Applications
ISM 431 – Database Systems II
Required courses:
ISM 310 - Information Systems in Management
ISM 321 - Database Systems I
ISM 351 - Networking and Collaborative Computing
Choose two courses from:
ISM 301 - Business Application Programming
ISM 302 - Object-Oriented Programming
ISM 331 - Info Systems Development
ISM 371 - IT Strategy: Disrupting Industry Norms, Practices, and Structures
ISM 382 - Advanced Computer Applications
ISM 383 - Info Technology Security
ISM 431 - Database Systems II
Required courses:
ACC 298 - Financial Accounting
ISM 310 - Information Systems in Management
MKT 352 - Marketing Principles and Policies
OB 354 - Behavior in Organization
Choose three courses from at least two subjects:
ACC 299 - Managerial Accounting
300-400 level business course
Required courses:
MKT 352 - Marketing Principles and Policies
MKT 382 - Understanding Customers
MKT 402 - Marketing Management
Choose two courses from:
MKT 360 - Marketing and Society
MKT 363 - Digital Consumer Search and Marketing
MKT 434 - Sales Management and Personal Selling
MKT 436 - Business to Business Marketing
MKT 454 - Marketing Research
MKT 455 - E-tailing and Retailing
MKT 457 - Global Marketing and Consumer Culture
MKT 458 - Advertising
Required courses:
OM 300 - Introduction to Operations Management
OM 460 - Supply Chain Management
Choose three courses from:
OM 465 - Strategic Sourcing
OM 470 - Analysis and Design of Supply Chain
OM 475 - Supply Chain Logistics Management
OM 480 - Enterprise Resource Planning in Supply Chain Management
OM 493 - Research Operations Management
Important Notes
- One course may be double counted toward a major and twelve-credit minor.
- Two courses may be double counted toward a major and minor of fifteen or more credits.
- Courses may not be double counted toward multiple minors. Each minor course may apply to only one minor.
- BBA students are not eligible for a management minor.
- MKT and DMKT cannot be used together in any combination of majors or minors.
- ISM and ISS cannot be used together in any combination of major or minors.
- A minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in all course taken towards the minor is required.
- Minor courses may require prerequisites that add to the total credit hours needed.
- Non-BBA majors cannot elect more than 30 credit hours in courses offered by the COB.
Undergraduate Student Services
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126