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Man of the match: CECS student competes in Indoor Cricket World Cup

Nikhil Kanchan woke long before the New Zealand sun broke the horizon. He stretched and jogged, trying to focus his mind on the task at hand and not on the nerves manifesting in his stomach....

Stand up, speak out: ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn receives grant to support campus sexual assault prevention

Michigan First Lady Sue Snyder challenged universities across the state to take action against sexual assault on campus—and University of Michigan-Dearborn has answered that challenge. The university has received $38,016 to launch “Stand Up, Speak Out: Ans...

One day with LaMyra Stevenson

LaMyra Stevenson likes to keep busy. The fourth-year mechanical engineering and bioengineering student takes a full course load, teaches an Engineering 100 lab, is the membership educator of Alpha Omega Epsilon professional sorority and vice president of t...

The road less traveled: Students explore the world with support of Beth A. Beson Anthropology Field Study Scholarship Fund

Students explore the world with support of Beth A. Beson Anthropology Field Study Scholarship Fund....

Center for Autism:

CEHHS and Beaumont initiative awarded $750,000...

The pick-up artist: Entrepreneurship student balances company, school

Tim Myers, Jr. is doing everything he can to stay No. 1 at picking up No. 2....

Art in the House: Yearly art competition features work from two ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn students

Works of art by Tess Phaneuf, left, and Jennifer Griffin were chosen to be displayed in the Anderson House Office Building, home to the Michigan House of Representatives, as part of the Art in the House program....

Entrepreneurs wanted: 37 Michigan communities recognized for encouraging economic growth and development

Six communities across the state of Michigan have been identified for the strategies they employ to foster entrepreneurial growth and economic development, according to the annual eCities study. ...

Finding the way: Physics student looks to the sky for research goals

Physics student Brittany Howard looks to the night sky (and a Chilean observatory) to chart her research goals....

Kudos: Ahmed, Mallick, Xi, Lee
