Amazon and Walt Disney Company corporate employees are returning to the office. Ford Motor Company and State Farm office workers are either fully remote or remote-first. Headline after headline shares how employers are either dialing back or leaning into the workplace changes brought on by the pandemic.
So: Whats 蹤獲扦-Dearborn going to do?
A 蹤獲扦-Dearborn Future of Work Task Force spent nearly a year exploring this question. They gathered from 蹤獲扦-Dearborn community members through multiple listening sessions and focus groups and sent out faculty and staff surveys.
What we heard was, 'please trust us, said Associate Provost Maureen Linker, FoW Task Force co-chair. With the pandemic, we had to trust people like never before, and we saw how faculty and staff really stepped up to meet student needs and university priorities. They got their work done in unprecedented ways. It's important that we dont forget that and we dont hastily follow what others are doing we need to do whats best for our campus people and priorities. When putting together the report, we kept that top of mind.
In addition, the task force looked at student needs shared through the Student Experience Survey, which was conducted in Fall 2022. They also explored research studies and looked at best practices followed by regional and national universities across the country.
Human Resources Director Rima Berry-Hung, also a FoW Task Force co-chair, said the work yielded a report with key recommendations, which you can here. Those address what everyone is curious about namely: What's next? And how will it affect us?
To help give a better understanding of the framework that will support whats next for 蹤獲扦-Dearborn employees, Berry-Hung and Linker discussed the report and answered a few questions.