At its fall meeting, the Campus Grants Committee (Faculty Senate Research Support Board) made the following awards:
Faculty Research Initiation and Seed Grants provide up to $6,000 to full-time faculty members for research and other scholarly activities. These grants are intended to provide funding to projects which will lead to future external grant support.
Awards were made to:
Melissa Bowlin
Stein Brunvand
Francine Dolins
Dohoy Jung
Bruce Maxim
Taehyun Shim
Educational Enhancement Grants provide up to $1,500 to faculty members for projects that are designed to enhance the educational experiences of students through the development of new courses and curricula or the purchase of one-time course materials or equipment.
Awards were made to:
Melissa Bowlin
Jacob Napieralski
Small Grant for Faculty Research provides up to $800 to full-time faculty members for research and other scholarly activities that are of non-commercial intent.
Awards were made to:
Mahesh Agarwal
Thomas Fiore
Taehyung Kim
John Thomas
Jacqueline Vansant
The next deadline for Campus Grant submissions is Feb. 15, 2011. Proposal Guidelines and application forms can be found at .