This article was originally published on November 6, 2019.
First-generation students are a huge part of the modern 蹤獲扦-Dearborn identity. In fact, in recent years, nearly 40 percent of the university's student body has been made up of students who are among the first in their families to pursue a college degree. Each students experience is, of course, unique. But as a group, first-gen students also face some headwinds. Knowledge gaps about how to get ready for college, inexperience with complex financial aid systems, and not knowing where to turn for help are just a few of the big ones. Youll see these themes and others in our recent conversation with four 蹤獲扦-Dearborn students who were kind enough to share some of their personal first-gen highs and lows. The conversation has been condensed and lightly edited for clarity.
Reporter: Many of the challenges first-gen students face seem to derive from not having someone in your family to show you the ropes. And those struggles can manifest way before you get to college. Could a couple of you tell us about your decision to pursue college and how that process went for you?
Marwa Hachem: So my story is kind of an interesting combination of things. To be honest, I didnt know that you could choose not to go to college; and at the same time, I didnt know where to start. I remember it was December, like right before the first set of deadlines, and my friends asked me, Hey, Marwa, where are you at on your college applications? And I was, like, Whats that? I honestly didnt know, and I was kind of embarrassed that I didnt know. So I applied really late. Some of the schools applications were so confusing, I just didnt apply. I was sort of panicking. It felt like there was this deadline that was approaching, and if I didnt make it, it was the end for me. I mean, now I know thats not true. But, like I said, college just felt like something you had to do or else something bad would happen to you.
Zeinab Hachem: My story is a little different because and I did have an older sister who had started college. But by the time I was applying, she had taken a break and she was focusing on work. It was stressful for her, so I was hesitant to ask her for help. I actually started out at Henry Ford College and the big thing I ran into right away was a problem with my FAFSA application. When I submitted it, Henry Ford College requested more documents from me. But I didnt know that could be part of the process. Based on the information I got from my sister, I thought once you complete the FAFSA, you were OK to register for classes. So I got held up sorting out that additional paperwork, which took all the way into November. And because I didnt have that aid, I only had enough financial resources to take classes part time. It was a really stressful way to start. But I persevered, and eventually things turned around.
Reporter: So lets talk more about those early days of arriving on campus. Alaa, do you want to jump in here and tell us about your first impressions of college?
Alaa Abouhashim: So the first time I stepped onto campus, I was a little shocked. Where I went to high school, it was crowded and always really loud. Here, people were quiet and sitting and studying; they seemed so focused. It was like I was in a new world. I mean, it was a nice environment, but I was also, like, Whoa, were done with all the childish stuff now Im an adult.
The main thing I struggled with when I got here was I knew I wanted to become a doctor, but I didnt really know how to start pursuing that. To be honest, I was looking for the pre med major, but then I learned theres really no such thing. My dad said, Why dont you just do biochem? Thats what they all do. So I looked into that, but it didnt seem like a great fit. Then I tried public health then health policy studies. Then I took a medical anthropology class, and I really liked it. So it was a lot of trial and error. I know a lot of students experience that, but I think first-gen students have to do a little bit more of it, because you don't have people you can ask. I think my dad still doesnt get why Im not a biochem major!
Brandon Queen: I can definitely relate to that. I was completely undecided coming in, and understanding how the different tracks worked felt like a huge undertaking. My strategy was to come in, pick some core classes that I had to do anyway, and then take my first semester to figure out whats next. Seems reasonable, right? But then I started hearing that I shouldnt take all my pre-reqs at once because then you're crowding your last years with your major coursework, and those classes arent always offered exactly when you need them. So it was all very confusing because youre piecing together all these bits of information from all over the place and trying to figure out whats the best path.
Some of that is not specific to first-gen students. But one thing I think is more first-gen specific is this feeling that every tiny decision that I made would absolutely impact the trajectory of my life. Ive realized now after being here for three years that its not quite so high stakes. If you pick the wrong major, you can switch. If you pick a major and graduate with it, you can still end up having success in a different field. So every move matters, but not every move is make or break. Thats something I had to learn for myself over time, and its been really important in bringing down my stress level. There were definitely times when I was feeling the pressure.

Reporter: One last question for everyone: One of our professors here who does a lot of mentoring of first-gen students says that sometimes having your degree can open up a social divide between you and the rest of your family. Im curious if thats something youve experienced or thought about.
Alaa: Thats a really interesting question. I do think it will cause some sort of divide. I don't know what that will look like exactly, but hopefully it will be OK. When you go to school, its not just about what youre learning from the classes. Youre also getting more life experience, you think differently, youre more open-minded about things. I think you learn to analyze things for yourself, and what you believe is not just what the culture or society says you should believe. So with my parents not having that kind of experience, their beliefs might come more from culture or tradition. And if I have different ideas, I could see that causing that kind of divide the professor is talking about.
Zeinab: One thing Ive noticed is that because my mom doesnt speak fluent English, its sometimes harder for me to translate into Arabic some things I want to tell her about school. My dad, though, speaks fluent English, and so I can talk with him more about what Im learning in my classes. Its actually been pretty fun because I recently switched my major to small business management, and my dad used to own a small business. So he gives me his advice, and we talk about stuff Im learning. In some ways, its given us something to connect over, though thats more difficult with my mom because of the language barrier.
Brandon: I havent experienced anything like that. In my family, we have differences of opinion sometimes, but I think thats as much a generational thing as anything. And I think thats OK, normal even healthy. As far as college, my family is extremely supportive. Theyre always asking me about projects Im working on. For example, I recently had a late-night call with Malaysian colleagues as part of my internship, and they couldn't wait to ask me all about it. Its kind of like they can experience a little bit of college through me. They really seem invested in seeing where this is taking me.
Marwa: In my whole extended family, I can only name two people who actually finished their degrees. So its a really big deal in my family. My mom talks about me as Marwa, our college student. Shes so proud that this is where Im at right now. And I think thats something that motivates me. Its hard for me to think about how I would continue moving forward if my family didnt feel like I was doing something good, you know?
Being a first-generation student really is an identity. People dont look at it that way. But its not like I chose to be first-gen; this is part of who I am that I cant erase. And some people think of it as a negative, but I think of it positively. I find myself to be more perseverant. If I pass an exam with a really high grade, for example, I did that without having the benefit of anyone telling me how to prepare. And I think that makes every accomplishment much richer.