HFE plans two events to benefit gardens

April 23, 2012

Students rove the gardens, catching up with friends or seeking a moment of solitude. Faculty and staff members walk the grounds, taking a break between afternoon meetings.

The Blue Garden at Henry Ford Estate

Nearly a century after the first planting, it’s still easy to get lost in a moment when traversing the gardens of Henry Ford Estate (HFE).

This spring, HFE will partner with others to help restore the gardens.

On Saturday, April 28, participants are invited to help pull garlic mustard from the Environmental Study Area and the gardens of Henry Ford Estate. The event takes place from 9 a.m.-noon and begins at the Environmental Interpretive Center.

Garlic mustard is an edible plant brought to the U.S. by early European settlers. It has spread into woodland areas and now out-competes native wildflowers, depriving them of moisture, light and space.

“We need many hands each year to eradicate this invasive plant,” said Karen Marzonie, landscape manager for HFE. “We have seen lots of native wildflowers come back in areas we have pulled year after year.”

Participants should wear gloves, long pants and closed-toe shoes. No tools are required, as hand-pulling is the preferred method of removal.

The family-friendly event is co-sponsored by the Stewardship Network, Environmental Interpretive Center, Henry Ford Estate, Student Environmental Association, Friends of the Rouge, and Michigan Botanical Club.  The event also is a Friends of the Rouge "Rouge Rescue" event.

To register, call 734-996-3190 or visit and choose Lakeplain Cluster under the Cluster dropdown menu.

Next month, Henry Ford Estate Garden Volunteers will hold the Annual Plant Sale, Garden Market and Garage Sale. The event will take place Friday, May 18, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and Saturday, May 19, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Perennials, wildflowers, shade-loving plants, herbs, annuals and hanging baskets will be available for purchase, as well as stepping stones, garden art and birdhouses.

Proceeds benefit the restoration of the Henry Ford Estate gardens.

For questions about either event, contact Karen Marzonie at 313-701-2240 or [email protected].