The program provides the Library with the full resources of the ITS Help Desk team, and offers ITS the opportunity to expand their experience supporting academic desktop and classroom technology. The ML Systems team will continue to support library-specific technologies.
During the pilot, Mike Kmiec, desktop support specialist, will work as a key member of the ITS team to help develop an integrated approach for delivering technical support to the Library and other partners on campus.
Bob Goffeney, director of IT strategy and operations, worked closely with Elaine Logan, Mardigian Library director, to craft the Neighborhood IT arrangement. “I am very excited about this partnership between ITS and ML and am looking forward to working more closely with the Library on their technology,” he said. “We are very happy to have Mike Kmiec join ITS and help us further develop our support model.”
The Neighborhood IT collaboration was implemented September 3, 2013, to coincide with Fall term.