Melissa Corrigan, administrative specialist of accounting, was named to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Michigan Chapter’s MS Leadership Class of 2013. The class helped raise awareness and more than $38,500 for the Michigan chapter. Members of the class was recognized in the September issue of DBusiness magazine.
Elizabeth Fomin, CASL online program manager, wrote an article that appeared in the Summer 2013 issue of Journal of College Admission. “Tip Sheet MOOCS: Tips for Enrollment Professionals” discussed massive open online courses (MOOCS), how they are used in universities, how to discuss them with students and parents and how professional can take advantage of the courses.
Orin Gelderloos is among the top 25 college professors in Michigan who focus their teaching on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), according to . The University of Michigan-Dearborn professor leads introductory and advanced courses in field biology, ornithology, environmental studies and environmental science. Gelderloos’ research focuses on floodplain forest ecology and watershed analysis. “At one time or another, all college students encounter studies in STEM subjects,” according to OnlineSchoolsMichigan.com “The lucky ones take seats in the labs or classrooms of these extraordinary professors.”
Georgina Hickey’s research on how women who were influential in social change movements negotiated normative gender expectations recently was published in a popular academic journal. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Feminist Thought published the University of Michigan-Dearborn history professor’s publication, titled Hickey’s research focuses on late 19th/20th-century U.S. history, women, cities, public space and social movements.
In its Delving Deeper department, the Mathematics Teacher journal published in its Sept. 2013 issue an article by members of the -Dearborn Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics. "Transforming Shapes Physically and Analytically" spans school and college mathematics to provide teachers ways of thinking about using models. The collaborating authors are Margaret (Maggie) Rathouz, associate professor of mathematics education, Christopher Novak, former department member and now software engineer at GREE International, and John Clifford, associate professor of mathematics.