Professor Richard Moyer and Associate Professor Susan Everett are co-authors of , which is one of the five most popular books published by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). This book is a compilation of Moyer and Everett’s popular “Everyday Engineering” columns from NSTA’s middle school journal, Science Scope.
The collection is made up of 14 activities that explore engineering’s role in five areas: the office, the kitchen, the bathroom, electricity, and outdoor recreation. Using these activities, students can perform hands-on investigations of objects they encounter in everyday life.
Each activity includes a clear explanation of the science and history behind the object’s development plus a material’s list, student data sheets, and safety suggestions. The collection is useful to classroom teachers as well as scout leaders, engineers leading outreach activities, after-school and summer enrichment program staff, and parents.
Please join me in congratulating Dick and Susan for creating this valuable resource to support teachers and students in the pursuit of scientific inquiry!