Alexus Warchock, College of Engineering & Computer Science
Alexus Warchock is receiving Bachelor of Science in Engineering degrees in Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering (dual degree), and is graduating with high distinction. She has received several academic honors and scholarships, including University Honors (seven times), Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering Honors Scholar (2021), James B. Angell Scholar (seven times), Freshman Chemistry Award (2018), The Ali Ayyash Memorial Scholarship (2021), The Emily Sioma Community Service Scholarship (2018), Miss Jackson Crossroads Title and Scholarship (2018), and the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn Metropolitan Scholarship (2017).
In fall 2021, Alexus worked with Professor Alan Argento on research investigating ocular biomechanics. Over the summer of 2021, she worked in the Rehabilitation Biomechanics Laboratory as part of the 蹤獲扦-SMART summer program, a University of Michigan MSTP preparatory program for undergraduate students interested in obtaining an MD/PhD. She presented her findings at the U-M MSTP Annual Scientific Retreat. Alexus also completed two internships. From spring of 2020 to summer of 2021, she worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the National Ignition Facility. She also completed a production system engineering internship at Brose from spring of 2019 to spring of 2020.
Alexus is engaged in various extracurricular activities. In 2018, she founded Victors Move, a 蹤獲扦-Dearborn student organization that helps students connect, share their passion for dance, and expose members to different cultural dance styles. She has been a toastmasters member through the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn chapter, where she worked alongside students to develop her communication and public speaking skills. She volunteered in many local youth events, gave presentations on Being Your Best Self to hundreds of students in multiple schools, and was a mentor through the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn student organization Mentors for a Brighter Day. She also frequently volunteers at Beaumont Hospital in Dearborn.
Alexus was inspired by the story of a team of engineers and doctors who gave a young girl the ability to dance again after losing her leg to cancer. This propelled her to study bioengineering and mechanical engineering. Her goal is to be able to work with patients while developing technologies and therapeutics adapted to meet individual needs. She wants to be part of the solution of bridging the disconnect between engineering and clinical applications. She plans to use an MD/PhD career path to work in this area.