Metro Detroit Youth Day

July 30, 2010

Volunteers from the Student Activities Office, Institutional Advancement, Admissions and Orientation, Mardigian Library, CASL, the International Office, Financial Aid, Registrar's Office, the WILL program and the College of Business represented 蹤獲扦-Dearborn once again at Metro Detroit Youth Day, an annual youth-focused event on Belle Isle Park in Detroit that attracts more than 25,000 people, including dozens of children, more than 200 community organizations, 900 volunteers and dozens of corporate sponsors for a day filled with youth guidance, educational awareness programs, mentors, anti-substance abuse activity, motivational speakers, entertainment, awards of 30 or more scholarships, and honoring outstanding students for academic excellence and community service.

Left photo: Young student gets an up-close look at an insect; Right photo: Nicolas Woodby receives an opportunity scholarship from Denae Malinowski, Ed Deeb, and Raynona Patrick

In the photo above, a young student (left photo) gets an up-close look at an insect thanks to 蹤獲扦-Dearborns Natural Sciences Department, and Nicolas Woodby (right photo, second from right) receives a 蹤獲扦-Dearborn opportunity scholarship during the event from Denae Malinowski (second from left), assistant director of admissions and orientation; Ed Deeb (far right), co-founder of Metro Youth Day and president of Michigan Food and Beverage Association; and Raynona Patrick (far left), scholarship coordinator liaison for Metro Detroit Youth Day.