MLK week events feature Roland Martin and Patch Adams

January 16, 2012

Roland Martin

One man is an award-winning journalist who often talks politics on CNN.

The other is a physician whose story was the basis of a major motion picture.

Roland Martin and Dr. Patch Adams may lead contrasting lives, but both men will visit 蹤獲扦-Dearborn this week in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin and Adams are keynote speakers during the Universitys weeklong tribute to MLK, a tradition started 19 years ago at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn.

Martin will discuss Race/Racism, and the Continual Challenge for Blacks and Whites to Acknowledge and Accept its Impact on Our Lives at 2 p.m. Jan. 18. His speech is part of A Conversation on Race: Voices of a New Generation, the Universitys ongoing series designed to promote open and honest discussion about racial issues.

Patch Adams

Meanwhile, the focus of the 1998 film Patch Adams will be on campus Jan. 19 and 20. Adams plans to discuss Medicine for Fun, not Funds at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 19. On Jan. 20, Adams will discuss Living a Life of Joy at 10:30 a.m.

All presentations are free, open to the public and in the University Centers Kochoff Hall.

Here is a complete list of MLK events:

Jan. 17

-       Noon Day Observance, Kochoff Hall A, University Center

-       5 p.m. The Learning Channels All-American Muslim Discussion, Kochoff Hall C, University Center

-       6:30 p.m. Staging Hope, University Center stage

Jan. 18

-       2 p.m. Conversation on Race with special guest Roland Martin, Kochoff Hall, University Center

-       7 p.m. Leadership Lens Film: Chisholm 72: Unbought & Unbossed, Room 1225, University Center

Jan. 19

-       6:30 p.m. Medicine for Fun, not Funds, with Dr. Patch Adams, Kochoff Hall, University Center

Jan. 20

-       10:30 a.m. Living a Life of Joy, with Dr. Patch Adams, Kochoff Hall, University Center

-       Noon SOLID Lite Student Leadership Conference, Fairlane Center North

Jan. 23

-       10 a.m. Volunteer Fair, Kochoff Hall