New resources @ your Mardigian Library

March 14, 2011

E-book updates

Brill Online
Brill Online is a collection of searchable and browsable books and encyclopedias covering a range of topics, including religious studies, classical studies, medieval studies, Middle Eastern studies, history, biology, and social sciences.

Wiley Online Library
Formerly known as Wiley Interscience, Wiley Online Library contains not only journal articles from Wiley publications, but also full-text e-books published since 2008. Subject areas include business, finance and management, education, engineering and sciences, law and psychology.

Database updates

Abstracts in Social Gerontology

Abstracts in Social Gerontology includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to social gerontology, including the psychology of aging, elder abuse, society and the elderly, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.

Arctic & Antarctic Regions

Arctic & Antarctic Regions (AAR) is the world's largest collection of international polar databases. With over 1 million records from 1800 to the present, AAR includes books, dissertations, government reports, conference proceedings, scholarly periodicals, and more. Many sources are indexed only in AAR, making it the best resource for research on cold regions in a wide variety of subject areas such as geology, history, global warming, anthropology, biology, engineering, zoology, and many others.

Child Development & Adolescent Studiesâ„¢

Child Development & Adolescent Studies contains nearly 350,000 references related to growth and development of children through the age of 21. It features abstracts from hundreds of journals and a bibliography of thousands of technical reports, books, book chapters, theses, and dissertations. Subjects covered include child rights and welfare issues, biomedical sciences, and social sciences.

Communication & Mass Media Completeâ„¢

Communication & Mass Media Complete incorporates CommSearch and Mass Media Articles Index, along with numerous other sources, providing coverage of communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study. It includes more than 570 journals, including full-text for more than 450 journals. Coverage for significant titles in the field goes back to their very first issue (as far back as 1915).