E-book updates
The World Bank eLibrary includes full text of over 6,000 e-books, reports and other items published by the World Bank. Topics include finance and financial sector development, conflict and development, gender, water resources, urban development, macroeconomics and economic growth, poverty reduction, rural development, education, the environment, science and technology development, and many other subjects. Publications can be downloaded in pdf format.
This collection consists of 19th and early 20th century mathematics books selected and digitized from the University of Michigan Library's mathematical collections.
Database updates
Public Administration Abstracts
Public Administration Abstracts covers areas related to public administration practice and theory, and other related disciplines going back to 1974. It contains the most important sources within the subject area, such as Journal of Public Economics, Public Administration, Public Administration Review, etc.
Peace Research Abstracts
This database provides coverage for essential areas of peace research, such as conflict resolution, international affairs, peace psychology, and other areas of key relevance. It contains important sources in peace research, including Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Journal of Refugee Law, and more.
Race Relations Abstracts
Race Relations Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering race relations, ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other related areas with coverage back to 1975. Examples of publications included in this database are Race & Class, Ethnic & Racial Studies, and Journal of Social Issues.
Human Resources Abstracts
This resource contains essential sources of information regarding human resources, human resource management, employee assistance, organizational behavior, etc. The index has more than 102,000 entries carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline, including Journal of Human Resources, Personnel Psychology, Work & Occupations, and many others.