New resources @ your Mardigian Library

October 24, 2011

E-Book Updates

The Encyclopedia of Adolescence is now available through the ScienceDirect database. It includes more than 140 expert articles on adolescent development and behavior. The publication includes information on normative development, individual differences, cultural differences, social and emotional development, education, work, and psychopathology as they apply to adolescents.

MathSci Net is an easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. Books and book chapters are included along with leading journals in the field.

Database Updates

American History in Video includes commercial and government newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage, and important documentaries that allow students and researchers to analyze historical events. Upon completion, the database will include 2,000 hours of video footage and more than 5,000 titles. Users can search the collection by keyword or browse by time periods, events, people or places.

World History in Video provides access to more than 1,750 acclaimed documentaries from filmmakers worldwide. Students and researchers can explore human history from the earliest civilizations to the late twentieth century through 1,000 hours of video footage. The database delivers the sights and sounds of history from around the world straight to your desktop. Included are many of the documentaries most frequently used today in university-level classes teaching history, civilization, and documentary film.

Filmmaker Library Online includes award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum in disciplines such as race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more. It presents historical and current experiences from diverse cultures and traditions world-wide through over 900 titles and nearly 750 hours of footage.

Gale Directory Library
Gale Directory Library is  an online collection of directories including Encyclopedia of Associations: International OrganizationsEncyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.; Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations; Encyclopedia of Governmental Advisory OrganizationsGale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media ; Publishers Directory; Research Centers Directory; and  Scholarships, Fellowships & Loans.

LoisLaw is a full-text, searchable database of primary and secondary law sources and public records at both the state and federal levels. It includes case law, statutes, regulations, and court rules, as well as treatises and bar publications.