News from the Dearborn Research Office

February 27, 2012

Read the latest from the ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Research Office.

External Awards

Kai Zeng, associate professor, Computer and Information Science department received a $465,000 National Science Foundation Early Career Development award. He will conduct a comprehensive study towards reliable and efficient network monitoring in white space cognitive radio networks.

Habib Ammari, associate professor, Computer and information Science department transferred his National Science Foundation Early Career Development award of $450,000 to the University of Michigan - Dearborn. He will study the design of 3D wireless sensor network deployments.

John Cristiano, Director of the Henry Patton Center for Engineering Education and Practice and Monica Porter, Director of the Office of International Affairs collaborated on a $388,400 grant from the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman. This award funds a program that brings 40 Omani students to the University of Michigan - Dearborn for a 7 month English language and academic study experience.

Andrea Olive, assistant professor, Social Sciences received a $7,806 grant from the Government of Canada. She will interview rural landowners in Saskatchewan about how they perceive species at risk, private property rights and government responsibility.