External Grant Awards
Tim Davis, Director of iLabs received a $193,065 award from the Michigan Department of Transportation. He will evaluate the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program and develop and implement an action plan to communicate the role, responsibilities and mission of the DBE program.
Oleg Zikanov, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering received $50,000 continuation funding from Oak Ridge Associated Universities for his project "Effect of Liquid-Phase Turbulence on Microstructure Growth in Solidification."
Campus Grant Awards
The Research Support Committee met in November and made the following Campus Grant Awards:
Faculty Research and Initiation Grants provide up to $6,000 to full-time faculty for research and other scholarly activities. These grants are intended to provide funding to projects which will lead to future external grant support. Awards were made to:
Gargi Ghosh, Mechanical Engineering
Wei Guo, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Farah Kawtharani, Language Culture and Communication
Sang-Hwan Kim, Industrial and Systems Manufacturing Engineering
Faculty Research Support and Maintenance Grants provide up to $6,000 to full time faculty for research and other scholarly activities. These grants are for significant projects that are unlikely to be considered for external grant awards. Awards were made to:
Pamela Aronson, Behavioral Sciences
Pamela Pennock, Social Sciences
Jonathan Smith, Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts
CASL Faculty Summer Research Grants provide up to $7,000 to CASL faculty for projects that foster high quality scholarship and research, relate to the applicant’s professional career goals, and supports work that will lead to a proposal for external funding. Awards were made to:
Paul Hughes, Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts
Liz Rohan, Language, Culture, and Communication
CASL Senior Faculty Grants to Encourage and Reward Scholarship consists of a course release to CASL faculty who commit to submitting a major external grant proposal, completing a manuscript to be submitted to a peer reviewed journal, or to make substantial progress on a book manuscript under contract. An award was made to:
Sonia Tiquia, Natural Sciences
Small Grants for Faculty Research provide up to $800 to full-time faculty for research and other scholarly activities that are of non-commercial intent. Awards were made to:
Richard Adler, Natural Sciences
Joy Beatty, Management Studies
Danielle DeFauw, School of Education
Jorge Gonzalez del Pozo, Language, Culture and Communications
Kamalesh Kumar, Management Studies
Eric Ratts, Mechanical Engineering
Qin Wang, Finance
are currently being accepted for the following programs:
Step-2 Grants for Research (Dearborn Rackham Replacement) $15,000 maximum award.
EIC Environmental-Sustainability Research Grants, $12,000 maximum award.
Educational Enhancement Grant, $1,500 maximum award.
The submission deadline for these programs is December 15.