External Awards Received
The Office of Research is pleased to announce and would like to congratulate our Dearborn faculty members on receipt of the following external funding:
U-M Principal Investigator: Xuan (Joe) Zhou, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project Title: Electrical architecture design and testing for automotive lighting system
Direct Sponsor: HVA Electronics, Inc.
Awarded Amount: $51,841
Dr. Zhou received additional funding to continue the work of his project with HVA Electronics to improve electrical architecture design and testing for automotive lighting systems.
Campus Grants Update
Campus Grants Panel Discussion: The Provost’s Office and the Office of Research are excited to invite you to attend today's (April 2) Panel Discussion on Campus Grants. All are welcome to attend and learn about internal funding opportunities available to Dearborn faculty. This event will be held in person on Tuesday, April 2 from 3-4:30 p.m. in Kochoff Hall C. Refreshments will be provided.
Competitive: The Office of Research is currently reviewing Competitive Campus Grant Applications submitted prior to the Feb. 15, 2024 deadline. Award decisions are anticipated in mid-May. If you submitted an application, we appreciate your patience as we go through our review process.
Open Invitation: Funding has been exhausted for the FY24 cycle of . Funding for the next fiscal year is anticipated to be announced in July 2024. For more information about all of our Campus Grants programs (competitive and open invitation) and eligibility information, please visit our Campus Grants webpage.
Connect: We are currently in the process of retiring the [email protected] address that has previously been used for campus grant-related inquiries. Going forward emails will start to include our new email address: [email protected] and we are in the process of transitioning our InfoReady site to this new email.
Bold Challenges Accepting Boost Applications
The Boost program supports new and early-stage multidisciplinary teams whose ambitious, transdisciplinary projects have substantial potential for significant large-scale funding. Boost teams receive dedicated research development support on topics like team building, effective communication for team science, and a wide range of facilitation and ideation activities toward competitive grant proposals.
Each team also receives $75,000 for activities that strengthen its capacity to conduct groundbreaking research and better position its work for future proposals from organizations like NIH and NSF. Funding can be used to purchase materials, conduct tests and hire undergraduate and graduate researchers.
Looking for collaborators? Share ideas with peers across campus at the remaining in April. are due May 13.
Call for submissions: OVPR Anti-Racism Grants
Applications are open for OVPR's program, which launched in 2021 to advance knowledge around complex societal racial inequalities that can inform actions toward equity and justice. Grants will be awarded up to $100,000. Read the . Applications are due by June 3.
MIDAS Data Science Summer Academies 2024
Applications are now open for the . These summer academies equip researchers with the essential skills required to apply advanced data science techniques to their respective fields of study and integrate these methodologies into their grant proposals. All academies will take place in-person on the Ann Arbor campus, location TBA.
Three academies are available:
- introduces the basics of data science and AI methods to researchers (especially faculty).
Date: June 3-7. Application deadline: April 18. - introduces trainees to essential data science and AI concepts, demonstrating how they can be applied in biomedical research and incorporated into grant proposals.
Date: July 8–12. Application deadline: May 9. - , hosted collaboratively by MIDAS and the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is designed for both ICPSR members and U-M researchers. This intensive academy will provide a practical overview of essential data science techniques and how they can be applied to advance social science research in domains like political science, sociology, public health and epidemiology, communications, economics, and more.
Date: Aug. 12–16. Application Deadline: August 8.
NSF Grants Conference: Spring 2024
Registration is now open for the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Spring 2024 NSF Grants Conference from June 3-5, 2024, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This conference is hybrid and designed to give new faculty, researchers, and administrators key insights into a wide range of current issues at NSF. NSF program officers representing each NSF directorate will be on hand to provide up-to-date information about specific funding opportunities and to answer attendee questions. Learn more and .
Mardigian Library Support for Data Management Plans
Data management plan support available from the -Dearborn Mardigian Library. Data management planning is often required by funders in the form of a document called a Data Management Plan (DMP) that will describe the handling (collection, storage and archiving) of data collected during your project. A DMP may also need to include plans for the dissemination of your data, (sometimes referred to separately as a Data Sharing Plan). To help faculty navigate data management planning, the -Dearborn Mardigian Library offers both a subject guide on Research Data Management as well as a DMP review service.
The -Dearborn Mardigian Library’s Research Data Management subject guide covers definitions, online tools for creating a DMP, guidance from ICPSR, example plans and more. to learn more about DMPs.
-Dearborn librarians are also available to help answer questions and offer support to faculty improving their DMPs as a part of their DMP review service. To contact a librarian for a DMP review, fill in their .
Reminder: Resources for Using SciENcv
Effective Oct. 23, 2023 NSF requires all biosketch and current & pending support documents for senior personnel to be prepared using SciENcv. The fillable pdf forms are no longer accepted. We recommend that you take the time to register with ScieENcv and begin to create your documents in that system if you expect to be involved in a proposal to NSF in the near future.
U-M Library Services has put together this guidance page to help you get started. You can also request a one-on-one Zoom session with Dearborn Office of Research staff to walk you through this process. Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae () is a researcher profile system for all individuals who apply for, receive or are associated with research investments from federal agencies. SciENcv allows researchers to document their education, employment, research activities, publications, honors, research grants, & other professional contributions to create multiple SciENcv profiles in official biographical sketch formats funding agencies such as the (NIH), the (NSF), and the (IES). In addition, the SciENcv application can be used to create the official NSF Current and Pending Support document.
Any researcher can and create multiple biosketches, for different research projects or different funding agencies. You can find much more information about how to use SciENcv on . The central Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and U-M Library have resources and previous workshops available on how to create a biosketch in SciENcv specifically focused on NSF and NIH. These resources are available linked below:
- (including step-by-steps for creating NSF and NIH biosketches)
- (July 2020)
- (MLibrary Presentation)
- (MLibrary Handout)
- (May 2020)
- (MLibrary Presentation)
- (MLibrary Handout)
If you have questions about SciENcv, need additional support, or would like to schedule one-on-one assistance with setting up your SciENcv profile and documents, please email our office at [email protected].
Research Events in April
- Provost’s Office & Office of Research, “Panel Discussion on Campus Grants” - Tuesday, April 2, 3-4:30 p.m., in-person: Kochoff Hall C
- Improving Lives through Next Generation Infrastructure - Friday, April 5, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., in-person: Hussey Room, Michigan League 911 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
- Building Trust and Strengthening Social Connections - Friday, April 12, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., in-person: Pond Room, Michigan Union 530 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
- IRB-HSBS, “IRB On-the-Road Drop-In Session” - Wednesday, April 17, 2-3:30 p.m., virtual
- CoE NSF CAREER Seminar, "" hosted by a former NSF Program manager - Thursday, April 25, 2024, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., in person: Johnson Rooms, Lurie Engineering Building, AA Campus. Registration Deadline: April 17, 2024 by 3 p.m.
*Note: The Dearborn 2023-2024 parking permit is valid on the Ann Arbor campus, in the blue permit lots ONLY, and only if you are on official Dearborn business Monday through Friday. -Dearborn permits do not allow parking in restricted areas. Ann Arbor lots and structures require faculty and staff to swipe their ID card for entry. You must have a valid -Dearborn parking permit to gain access. If you need your card activated for Ann Arbor lots, please call the Parking Office at 313-593-5480.
The Office of Research website is also updated regularly with research-related events and announcements, so we would encourage you to bookmark our landing page and .
Research Resource Highlight: Michigan Research Cores
Every month, the Office of Research features a resource and/or tool that is available for researchers. This month we are featuring Michigan Research Cores.
The University of Michigan Research Cores website provides a catalog of equipment available in core facilities across campus that are available for use by a researcher or investigator. The Medical School Office of Research, in partnership with the University of Michigan Biosciences Initiative, developed this university-wide research core services directory in response to feedback from research faculty that the University offers rich core infrastructure but it is hard to easily identify the breadth of cores available that can support their research.
To learn more about the Research Cores, sign up for the quarterly , delivering news, events, and more directly to your inbox.
Upcoming Funding Opportunities
The Office of Research publishes a list of selected funding opportunities, organized by college, every month on our website under Announcements. In addition, yearly grant calendars organized by subject area provided by Hanover Research are available there as well.
Use the updated to look up internal (to U-M) funding opportunities and Limited Submission opportunities open to Dearborn researchers.
Contact the -Dearborn Office of Research if you would like more information about submitting a proposal to any of the programs.