The June 16 Board of Regents meeting included the approval of the university budget, personnel actions and campus updates.
Chancellor Domenico Grasso provided the following updates at the public meeting:
- News regarding the launch of Destination Dearborn. A program centered on building stronger partnerships with community colleges.
- Congratulating Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement Casandra Ulbrich on receiving the Michigan American Council on Education 2022 Public Policy Pioneer award. This award is given to Michigan women who advocated the causes of equality, dignity and access as well as encouraged women’s voices in political decision-making.
A complete overview of the university budget, including 2022-23 tuition rates, project investments and merit pool, can be found on our news site.
The Regents approved the following personnel actions:
New appointments and promotions for regular associate and full professor ranks, without tenure.
Xuan Zhou, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, without
tenure, CECS, effective August 29, 2022.
Reappointments of regular instructional staff and selected academic and administrative staff.
Qiang Zhu, chair, Department of Computer and Information Science, CECS, effective September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2024 (also William E. Stirton Professor, and professor of computer and information science, with tenure).
Joint or additional appointments or transfers of regular associate or full professors and selected academic and administrative staff.
Wencong Su, interim chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CECS, effective August 29, 2022 through August 31, 2023 (also associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, with tenure).
New appointments of regular instructional staff.
Brian Boggs, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education, CEHHS, August 29, 2022 – April 30, 2023.
Retirement memoirs.
Paul M. Hughes, Ph.D., professor of philosophy, CASL, retired from active status February 28, 2022, following 35 years of service to the university.
Joe H. Lunn, Ph.D., professor of history, CASL, retired from active faculty status on June 30, 2022.
Rashmi Luthra, Ph.D., professor of communications and composition, CASL, retired from active faculty status on April 30, 2022, following 30 years of service to the university.
Dan J. Swift, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology in the Department of Behavioral Sciences, CASL, retired from active faculty status on April 30, 2022.
View the entire Board of Regents’ .