Last summer, the university announced a new comprehensive campus planning effort to rethink how we use physical spaces on campus. The centerpiece of that plan is a vision for making the renovated Renick University Center, Mardigian Library and the outdoor space between the two buildings a new central hub for campus, particularly for student-focused activities and services. Executive Director for Facilities Operations Carol Glick says this will be a multi-year, multi-phase project, but shes excited that the first stage a major renovation of the RUCs first floor will begin next month.
The renovation will focus on the east (parking lot) side of the building, where several core student-facing offices will be getting new or updated spaces. Director of Planning and Construction Emily Hamilton says one of the fun parts about this renovation is working with staff to design around their specific needs, many of which have changed substantially post-pandemic. For example, staff in the One-Stop, the student-facing hub for enrollment-focused services, have embraced hybrid scheduling and office sharing. Hamilton says this, along with new, recently adopted guidelines for more compact offices, enabled the facilities team to create additional spaces within the same physical office footprint. By having smaller offices and shared offices, along with more efficient furniture styles, we were able to create a whole new flexible workroom space that has a TV on the wall, and you can push the tables together for meetings, or break them apart to eat lunch or have a conversation, Hamilton says. So theyre getting more useful space in the One-Stop without adding any square footage.
University Unions and Events is also getting a new suite on the first floor, which gives staff a location nearer the meeting rooms that UUE manages, like Kochoff Hall. The renovated first floor will gain several smaller meeting rooms, as well as a large meeting room for hosting tour and orientation groups. The Student Advising and Resource Team, or START, will be moving down to a new first floor location and will be sharing a suite with Career Services, which is moving over from the Fairlane campus.
One of the biggest transformations is happening along the east end of the building, where the bank of transaction counters will be removed and replaced with a large open lounge area. Furnished with cozy furniture and a multi-sided, walk-around fireplace, this space is intended to create the welcoming living room the campus has never really had. This building is the center of the campus, right? So this is prime real estate, Hamilton says. We realized having rooms that store years and years of student documents wasnt the best use of that space. We want every inch of that prime space to be focused on serving students.