Sponsored Research

February 16, 2011

Engineering Faculty member receives award from Ford

Onur Ulgen, professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, received $40,000 from Ford Motor Company. He will develop algorithms to help streamline the vehicle assembly process.

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
There are 3 broad areas of activities administered by the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs.

External Grant Proposal Submission & Administration: Office staff assist ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn faculty and staff prepare and submit proposals for grants and contracts. This office is the point of contact and coordination for all grant matters on the Dearborn campus. Some of the services provided are: assisting faculty by finding funding opportunities, interpreting sponsor guidelines, preparing budgets, developing grant proposals, completing sponsor and University forms, and obtaining University approval for external grant proposals.

Internal Grant Support: The Campus Grant program provides funding for research and professional development activities for faculty and students. Campus Grant proposals are typically due on October 15 for the Fall Semester awards and February 15 for the Winter Semester awards. We also provide discretionary funding to help support research activities on campus.

Dearborn IRB Administration: The Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects in research is a 5 member committee that is responsible for reviewing all research that involves human subjects on the Dearborn Campus and works closely with researchers to ensure that the rights of the human subjects are adequately protected. Services include: assisting researchers with navigating and completing the eResearch application process, creating adequate Informed Consent documents, giving researchers advice on their research projects to protect subjects and get IRB approval, and working with researchers and subjects when unanticipated problem occur.

Questions about external grant proposals, campus grants, or the Dearborn-IRB can be directed to [email protected].