Sponsored research news: External awards, professional development grant

January 31, 2011

External Awards

Steve Underwood, director of research for the Connected Vehicle Proving Center (CVPC), collaborated with Randy Motyka, electrical engineering lead for the CVPC, and Ehud Naamani, director and general manager of the CVPC, on a $246,978 award from the Ford Motor Company to support the development of autonomous vehicle capability which will improve testing at the Ford proving ground.

Mary Trepanier-Street, professor in the School of Education, received $62,200 from the Michigan Department of Education to support the 2010-2011 Great Start Readiness Program and the Dearborn Early Childhood Education Center.

Mesut Duran, associate dean for research and administrative affairs in the School of Education, received $24,952 from the Michigan Department of Education to fund a project with the Save Our Children Coalition to provide a high school enrichment program for youth in the foster care system.

Hong-Tae Kang, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, received $21,414 from General Motors to perform fatigue tests of both lead-based and non lead-based solder joints.

Professional Development Grants Submission Deadline

Professional Development Grant Application Deadline: Feb. 15

Professional Development Grants provide up to $500 for materials or activities that promote faculty and lecturer professional development. In the past, funds have been used for travel to conferences, books, software, tuition, association memberships and research supplies.

All proposals are due no later than Feb. 15. Additional deadlines are possible if funding is still available after the February awards. Future deadlines will be: April 1

Applications are available at: