Sponsored Research: Research awards, Human subjects reaccreditation review

November 22, 2010

Research Awards

Roger Verhey, director of the Center for Mathematics, received $200,000 from the Michigan Department of Education to work with Dearborn Algebra 2 teachers to improve their teaching and use of technology in the classroom.

Jin Wang, assistant professor of physics, received $15,000 from the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) to support the purchase of research equipment for her project "Time Dependent Delayed Choice" Quantum Eraser.

Martin Hershock, associate professor and chair of the Department of Social Sciences, received $8784 from the Canadian Embassy to support the Ottawa Political Science Internship, a program that offers ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn students the opportunity to work with political leaders in the Canadian Parliament.


Human Subjects reaccreditation review
The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protections Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP) will conduct a reaccreditation site visit at ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn on Dec. 15. AAHRPP is a not-for-profit peer review organization that assesses human research protections programs for compliance with federal regulations and helps organizations reach nationally recognized performance standards. U-M was first accredited in 2008.

As part of the site visit, AAHRPP interviews a number of individuals involved in human subjects research, including principal investigators, study team personnel, IRB members and staff, University officers and administrators.

Individuals selected for interviews by AAHRPP have been notified, but everyone should be aware that the site visit team also will review IRB protocols in eResearch that were active as of August 20, 2010. If AAHRPP elects to review your protocol, our office staff may need to contact you for additional follow-up. The IRB will notify you if this occurs.

With your help, we have continued to improve and streamline our human subjects protections program since our initial AAHRPP accreditation nearly three years ago. We view our reaccreditation as an opportunity to demonstrate to AAHRPP and ourselves that we conduct valuable research while providing superior protection to our human subjects.

If you would like more information about AAHRPP or the site visit, please contact the Dearborn Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at [email protected].