External Awards
Alan Argento, professor of mechanical engineering, collaborated with Julia Richards from the Ann Arbor campus on a $359,920 grant from the National Science Foundation to study the biomechanical processes that maintain pressure within the eye.
Di Ma, assistant professor of computer and information sciences, received $109,998 from the National Science Foundation to collaborate with a researcher from Polytechnic University of New York on a project to improve security for Radio Frequency Identification Systems.
Zhimin Xi, assistant professor of industrial and systems manufacturing engineering, received $30,000 from Ford Motor Company to develop a vehicle crash simulation model that will accurately predict system performance, lower the number of crash tests and reduce costs.
Request for Proposals: Campus Grants
The proposal submission deadline for Campus Grants is Oct. 15. Proposal Guidelines and Application Forms are available from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Email your request to [email protected] or find them online at
Awards will be made in the following categories:
Faculty Research Initiation & Seed Grant: The maximum award is $6,000; it’s expected that five will be awarded during the fall semester. This is limited to full time faculty and provides funding for research projects that are designed to lead to proposals for external funding.
Faculty Research Support & Maintenance: The maximum award is $6,000; it’s expected that three will be awarded during the fall semester. This is limited to full time faculty and provides funding for research projects in disciplines where there is little chance for external funding.
Faculty Small Research Grant provides up to $800 to full time faculty for research and other scholarly activities. Up to five awards will be distributed during the fall semester.
Request for Proposals: Professional Development Grant
These grants of up to $550 are awarded to tenure-track faculty and lecturers to help defray the cost of professional development activities or supplies. Use the application forms and guidelines for either the or the .