Several 蹤獲扦-Dearborn faculty members are included on Stanford University Professor John Ioannidis . This list which is based on a sophisticated counting of publication citations is just one indicator of the impact our faculty have in their fields.
Some names on the list you may recognize:
- Aaron Ahuviva (marketing)
- Charu Chandra (operations management)
- Lei Chen (mechanical engineering)
- Zhen Hu (industrial and manufacturing systems engineering)
- Di Ma (computer and information science)
- P.K. Mallick (mechanical engineering)
- Pravansu Mohanty (mechanical engineering)
- Yi Lu Murphey (electrical and computer engineering)
- Wencong Su (electrical and computer engineering)
- Sonia Tiquia-Arashiro (microbiology)
- Feng Zhou (industrial and manufacturing systems engineering)
Vice Provost for Research Armen Zakarian said that researchers and committees often use as a measure of the impact and influence of academic research, especially in the sciences and engineering. The impact of the research or quality of an article can be assessed by the number of times other authors mention published articles in their work.
Nonetheless, there is no single citation analysis tool that collects all publications and their cited references, Zakarian said. As he mentioned above, citation indices skew heavily toward engineering and the hard sciences but thats because measuring the scholarly impact in the humanities and arts is a much more challenging task.
Tracking, increasing and celebrating faculty citations in all disciplines is one of the Key Performance Indicators in the Go BLUEprint for Success Strategic Plan. The Office of Research and the Mardigian Library are in the early stages of work to establish benchmark data and ensure we are tracking faculty citations in a comprehensive, inclusive and user-friendly manner across all campus disciplines, Zakarian said.
Additional information will be shared later this year.