New Tableau enrollment dashboards are now available by visiting the Institutional Research and Effectiveness webpage. These dashboards allow self-service access to a comprehensive set of enrollment data and were developed by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness in collaboration with Enrollment Management.
These dashboards are available to 蹤獲扦-Dearborn faculty and staff who have gone through data usage and privacy training. If you have WebFOCUS access now, you will already have access to these dashboards. If you want to , go here.
These new dashboards ensure that we have a single source of shared data to facilitate strategic conversations and decision-making. Public and internal facing dashboards were developed to offer the ability to analyze the data with regard to various demographics, characteristics, and populations. Each dashboard includes a data dictionary explaining the data fields on the dashboard to ensure consistent understanding and usage.
This single-source data approach for strategic conversations started with census enrollment and will continue to be extended in the future with student success data, the admissions funnel and other projects as 蹤獲扦-Dearborn continues to expand descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics using business intelligence tools such as Tableau.
Tableau dashboards are a complementary tool to our current enterprise WebFOCUS reporting environment that continues to provide reporting for important operational purposes.