An update from the Office of Research, July 2020

July 13, 2020

The Office of Research shares national research grant deadlines, available campus grants and recently awarded funding.

Campus Grants—Open Applications

Reminder: The university has suspended non-essential expenditures, including travel, hosting and conferences. 

- provides up to $250 to Lecturers for expenses related to the urgent transition to remote instruction necessitated by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Applications accepted through October 15 or until all funds are awarded.

- provides up to $10,000 in support of four research subjects: COVID-19 Pandemic, Ending Structural Racism, Protecting Democratic Processes and Urban Futures. Application accepted through July 31, 2020.

New to the Campus Grants Application System?

If you are new to our web-based application system, you must create a new user profile in order to apply.  Here’s how to . You may also find this  helpful in navigating the application process.

External Grants Received

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs would like to congratulate the following faculty members on receiving external funding for their research.

Abdallah Chehade, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Industrial and Manufactruing System Engineering, was recently awarded $26,893 by Honda R & D Americas to develop machine learning models that predict the evolution of temperature over time at different locations of the engine under different operating conditions.

Upcoming Funding Opportunities

Please contact the ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Office of Research if you are interested in submitting a proposal to any of the following programs:

Funding Entity








National Science FoundationHuman-Environment and Geographical Sciences ProgramSupports basic scientific research about the nature, causes, and/or consequences of the spatial distribution of human activity and/or environmental processes across a range of scales. Projects about a broad range of topics may be appropriate for support if they enhance fundamental geographical knowledge, concepts, theories, methods, and their application to societal problems and concerns.18-Aug-20
Department of DefenseONR FY20 Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)ONR seeks a broad range of applications for augmenting existing or developing innovative solutions that directly maintain, or cultivate a diverse, world-class STEM workforce in order to maintain the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps’ technological superiority.28-Aug-20
Department of EnergyTechnical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities and Demonstration and Training ProgramsSeeks to promote academic achievement and to improve results for children with disabilities by providing TA, supporting model demonstration projects, disseminating useful information, and implementing activities that are supported by scientifically based research.28-Aug-20
Department of DefenseMultidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI)The MURI program supports basic research in science and engineering at U.S. institutions of higher education that is of potential interest to DoD. The program is focused on multidisciplinary research efforts where more than one traditional discipline interacts to provide rapid advances in scientific areas of interest to the DoD.14-Sep-20
National Science FoundationDisaster Resilience Research GrantsWith this joint solicitation, the National Science Foundation and the U.S Department of Commerce (DOC) National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) call for proposals for research to advance fundamental understanding of disaster resilience in support of improved, science-based planning, policy, decisions, design, codes, and standards.15-Sep-20
HRSAWomen’s Preventive Services InitiativeSeeks to improve women’s health across the lifespan by engaging a coalition of provider, academic, and patient-focused health professional organizations to 1) Identify and recommend evidence-based updates to the HRSA-supported Women’s Preventive Services Guidelines (Guidelines); 2) Raise awareness and knowledge of these Guidelines; and 3) Increase clinicians’ adoption and utilization of these Guidelines.5-Oct-20
National Science FoundationDiscovery Research PreK-12Seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer science (STEM) by preK-12 students and teachers, through research and development of STEM education innovations and approaches.7-Oct-20
National Science FoundationPFE: Research Initiation in Engineering FormationThe PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (PFE: RIEF) program has two goals: 1) Support research in the Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE), and 2) Increase the community of researchers conducting PFE research.10-Nov-20
National Science FoundationDynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental SystemsThe DISES Program supports research to advance basic scientific understanding of integrated socio-environmental systems and the complex interactions within and among the environmental and human components of such a system.16-Nov-20
National Science FoundationDivision of Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research ProjectsThe Division of Physics supports physics research and the preparation of future scientists in the nation’s colleges and universities across a broad range of physics disciplines that span scales of space and time from the largest to the smallest and the oldest to the youngest.8-Dec-20