Vasbouragan Society visits Armenian Research Center

October 11, 2010

Members of the Vasbouragan Society recently took the time to visit ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn's Armenian Research Center.

Members of the Vasbouragan Society

Vasbouragan is the Armenian medieval name of the area around Lake Van in modern Turkey. Many Armenians lived in the area covered by the medieval Armenian province of Vasbouragan until the years of the First World War.

The Vasbouragan Society brings together the descendants of the survivors of Armenians, who were deported from that area as part of the Armenian Genocide in 1915-1916. It has chapters all over the United States and Canada, and this year it held its annual convention in Dearborn.

While on campus, Ani Kasparian and Gerald E. Ottenbreit, Jr. gave the visitors a tour of the center, where they were impressed by the center's collection of books and other materials concerning their ancestral region.