Emily Hutfloetz and Jesse Brady
Jesse and I met at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn through the student organization Intervarsity Christian Fellowship when I went along on their annual Habitat for Humanity service project over spring break one year. On the trip, I got to know the members of the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn chapter and what the organization was about. It was a great time making new friends and helping those in need. It was during the trip to Beattyville, Kentucky that Jesse and I met and started a very basic friendship. After the trip was over, I started attending Intervarsity events and meetings. The more time we spent together at Intervarsity, the more we wanted to be together outside of IV. Even after we started dating, we continued attending the Habitat for Humanity trips each spring. Jesse proposed to me at The Henry Ford Estate, Fair Lane. We have been happily married for 13.5 years and are so blessed to have two amazing children. We continue to reside in Dearborn and both work in humanitarian fields locally. Emily Hutfloetz