GO BLUEprint for Success executive progress report - KPI report (January 12, 2023)
Dear Colleagues,
After thoughtful and constructive discussions regarding our GO BLUEprint for , I am pleased to share with you our final indicators.
The KPIs were selected based on important criteria that will have the greatest impact on our campus community and specifically our number one priority - student success. The indicators are based on available quantifiable metrics and updated regularly. Our benchmark for current metrics reflects Fall 2022 data and aspirational 2032 goals have been set.
Progress on our KPIs will be shared each fall. Internal and external circumstances may necessitate edits and changes to our indicators. It is important for the campus community to remain nimble and flexible to adapt to our current environment. Like our strategic plan, KPIs will be reviewed, curated, and updated over time.
As with our strategic plan development, our final KPIs selections were a collaborative effort. Input on the final measurements was provided by Faculty and Staff Senates, Student Government, the Citizens Advisory Committee, the National Advisory Council, and university leadership. Broad faculty and staff input was also provided during an online town hall in November.
I want to thank Gabriella Scarlatta, Keisha Blevins, Carrie Shumaker, Bryan Dadey, and Marc Brigolin for leading the KPI development and review effort.
Much work has gone into both our strategic plan and KPI development. I encourage you to carefully review the updated and . Both will serve as our compass as we make strategic decisions regarding the future of our great university.
I look forward to working with all of you to realize our goals and celebrate our accomplishments.
Go Blue - Go Dearborn!
Domenico Grasso
Office of the Chancellor
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128