Lente Festina Launch (July 20, 2023)
Dear Colleagues,
As those who have attended the Chancellor’s Video Club or Book Club know, I thoroughly enjoy robust conversations around critical topics – and I believe such conversations make our university stronger. I’d like to keep our conversations going throughout the year, so today, I am pleased to introduce . In this journal, I’ll be discussing a range of issues and ideas pertaining to regional universities, higher education, and society more broadly.
Constructive feedback and spirited debate will only make this journal – and our conversations – more interesting and generative. I invite you to read and to share your thoughts in the comments.
If you want to stay up to date on the journal, I invite you to and also to connect with me on .
I look forward to engaging with you!
Go Blue - Go Dearborn!
Domenico Grasso
Office of the Chancellor
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128