SUBJECT: Dearborn COVID Support

Dear Colleagues;

Because we have been getting queries about the COVID response process, we wanted to clarify a couple of questions.

When the Dearborn COVID Support team receives a COVID or other illness-related report about a student from either the student themselves or as a referral from faculty or staff, our team jumps into action!

If a student is not feeling well:
If the report is that a student is not feeling well and has any COVID related symptoms (with no known exposure), they are quarantined immediately. This includes symptoms that might normally be associated with other common issues such as allergies or a cold. They may return after either providing evidence of a negative covid test or submitting a note from a doctor.

We offer each student the courtesy of a note from Dearborn COVID Support to instructors, if they choose, to explain their absence. We also provide substantive information about campus resources and supports, and we follow up with them throughout their process with us as needed.

If a student has been exposed to an individual with COVID-19:
If the exposed student is either unvaccinated, or not up to date* with their vaccination, they may be required to quarantine for five days, with day one being the exposure date. We offer each student the courtesy of a note from Dearborn COVID Support to instructors, if they choose, to explain their absence. We also provide substantive information about campus resources and supports, and we follow up with them throughout their process with us as needed.

If their vaccination is up to date*, we encourage a test and to monitor their health closely but are permitted to continue attending campus. Only if they subsequently test positive for COVID-19 do we take further action.

If a student has tested positive for COVID-19:
If a student has tested positive for COVID-19 they are advised immediately to isolate (this is similar to quarantine in that they are not permitted to come to campus) and we begin contact tracing. We offer each student the courtesy of a note from Dearborn COVID Support to instructors, if they choose, to explain their absence. We also provide substantive information about campus resources and supports, and we follow up with them throughout their process with us as needed.

At this point contract tracing begins.

If the COVID-19 positive student is symptomatic:
Contact tracing efforts extend to 48 hrs prior to symptom onset. The details of the students’ interactions on campus and with other members of our community are reviewed through the infectious period. If determined necessary, students, faculty and/or staff may be quarantined. We offer each student the courtesy of a note from Dearborn COVID Support to instructors, if they choose, to explain their absence. We also provide substantive information about campus resources and supports, and we follow up with them throughout their process with us as needed.

If the COVID-19 positive student is asymptomatic:
Contact tracing starts at the testing date. The details of the students’ interactions on campus and with other members of our community are reviewed through the infectious period. If determined necessary, students, faculty, and/or staff may be quarantined. We offer each student the courtesy of a note from Dearborn COVID Support to instructors, if they choose, to explain their absence. We also provide substantive information about campus resources and supports, and we follow up with them throughout their process with us as needed.

*Up to date vaccination: Within 5 months of final dose for a 2-shot sequence, within 2 months of a 1-dose sequence, or has had a booster shot.

We hope this clarifies the process, but please let us know if you have any questions.

Amy Finley 
Dean of Students

Gabriella Scarlatta
Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 


Office of the Provost

1080 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5030