SUBJECT: Provost Research Message and Update

Dear Research Faculty and Staff,

As the fall semester draws to a close, I wanted to provide an update on the status of research activities on campus and set the expectations for winter term.

As you know, the reopening of research labs began in June, adhering to policies set forth by the State of Michigan, U-M Office of Research (蹤獲扦OR) and campus leadership. To date, we have opened over 50 labs in six buildings, enabling over 175 faculty, staff, and student researchers to resume work that cannot be done remotely. For the buildings that are open (CASL, SLRC/NSB/NSBS, MRL, IAVS, HPEC, and FCN), all labs in those buildings where access to campus was requested, are open. In addition, field research has been restarted. 

 For those faculty who currently have access to their lab on campus, please note:

  • Research labs will continue to operate for the remainder of the fall term and beginning of the winter term, under a maximum density of 60% at any one time.
  • The University will be closed from Wednesday, December 23rd until Monday, January 4th. Only those who requested and were approved for critical lab activity will have access during this period. 
  • The end of a semester is often a time of transition in lab staffing due to projects starting, ending, and graduation. Please make sure all staffing changes are communicated to the lab directors to ensure lab access records are kept up to date.

With the campus beginning the winter term fully remote, the earliest we expect to open additional buildings and research labs is early March (including ELB). In January, we will work with faculty to develop a proposed plan for the next phase of lab openings and seek approval from 蹤獲扦OR.

We recognize the challenges this presents and how disruptive it is to your research. Your patience is appreciated while we continue to work to bring labs online, consistent with the policies of the State of Michigan, 蹤獲扦OR, and campus. If you have any questions or issues, please contact Line van Nieuwstadt ([email protected]).

Best wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season.

Sue Alcock 

Office of the Provost

1080 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5030