Lisa Martin, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Health Policy Studies, Public Health, Reproductive Health, Women's & Gender Studies, Women's HealthResearch Areas:
Inequality/Disparity, Mental Health, Reproductive Health, Stigma, Women's HealthBiography and Education
Lisa Martin, Ph.D. is a Professor at the University of Michigan Dearborn joint appointments in Women’s and Gender Studies and Health & Human Services. She currently serves as the Department Chair for Health and Human Services and previously served as Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies. She earned her doctorate in Public Health in Health Behavior & Health Education Department from the University of Michigan. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Gender & Cultural Studies from Simmons College. Professor Martin’s primary area of research is in sexual and reproductive health. For more than 15 years, her interdisciplinary team has worked with healthcare workers using a group-based intervention for abortion care workers, known as the Providers Share Workshop. Her research includes facilitated workshops that employ grounded theory methods and survey design techniques. Her team’s workshops have been used in more than 15 countries with over 2,000 healthcare workers.