Vahe Sahakyan, PhD

Research Areas:
Armenia / Armenian Studies, Armenian Diaspora Studies, Armenian History, Armenian-American Studies, Comparative Diaspora Studies, Cultural Studies / History, Immigrants / Immigration, Immigration Narratives, Race / EthnicityBiography and Education
Vahe Sahakyan is a Research Scholar and Senior Information Resources Specialist at the University of Michigan-Dearborn Armenian Research Center. He holds a Candidate of Sciences in Sociology degree from Yerevan State University (2003) and a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Michigan (2015).
Sahakyan has held various teaching, research, and administrative appointments at Yerevan State University (2000-2008), and at the University of Michigan (2008-2017). Since 2018, he has also served on the Armenian Diaspora Survey Academic Advisory Committee. The Armenian Diaspora Survey was a project sponsored by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and implemented under the auspices of the Armenian Institute, London between 2018 and 2022.
Sahakyans research interests include immigration, transnationalism and diaspora studies, history and sociology of the modern and contemporary Armenian diaspora.
Selected Publications
2022 (Diaspora Studies: A Critical Anthology). 埥捸捰桭楖梐 晜桭掅捸掁晛 捸桹掍 捸桹捸朘桮捸梮, 埽捸梮, 埽 桹捸梲捸捸朘桯楖晥桮楖梮, 2022 (Compiler and Editor)
Articles, book chapters
2023 in Sossie Kasbarian, Talar Chahinian, Tsolin Nalbantian (eds.), The Armenian Diaspora and Stateless Power: Collective Identity in the Transnational 20th Century. London: I. B. Tauris, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 107-134.
2021 , EVN Report, April 26, 2021.
2020 "Diaspora, Ethnicity, and the Concept of the "Armenian Transnation": Brief Notes on Diaspora Theory and Practice," in , Vol. 2, eds. Ashot Voskanyan, Thomas Schrapel (Yerevan: Armenian Research Center in Humanities, 2020), 337-344. (English and Armenian bilingual publication)
2018 &紳莉莽梯;勳紳&紳莉莽梯;An Armenian Mediterranean: Words and Worlds in Motion, eds. Kathryn Babayan, Michael Pifer ([S.I.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 247-267.
2018 EVN Report, January 20, 2018.
Eastern Armenian translation: 捸桮 桵楖晛楖晙楖掁晛捸朘捸梮 桭梲晛 捸梮晥楖晙楖掁晛捸, (埽捸梮 埽捸梮晛 梣掍梲捸朘捸梮 桹捸桭捸晙桵捸捸梮, 2018), 528-537.
2006 , Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 14, no. 3 (Summer 2006): 347-354. (Co-authored with Arthur Atanesyan).
Other research-based publications
2020 Identity: Family, Language and Culture are Defining Constituents of Hyphenated Armenianness, in , ed. Hratch Tchilingirian (London: Armenian Institute, 2020): 11-15.
2020 Language and Culture: Majority of Armenians Keep Language and Culture Vital, high-Quality Armenian Schools are in Demand in , ed. Hratch Tchilingirian (London: Armenian Institute, 2020): 23-27.
2019 Community Engagement: Busy Lives Require More Interesting Activities, Visionary Leadership and Focus on the Younger Generation in , ed. Hratch Tchilingirian (London: Armenian Institute, 2019): 19-20.
2019 Language and Culture: Armenian Schools and Cultural Education Continue to Play Important Roles in the Diaspora in , ed. Hratch Tchilingirian (London: Armenian Institute, 2019): 21-23.