Meet the START Team

START Leadership

Andrew M.  Beverly

Andrew Beverly, START Director

Email: [email protected]

Lynda Dioszegi

Lynda Dioszegi, Assistant Director and Senior Advisor

Email: [email protected]


Tahnee Prokopow

Tahnee Prokopow, Health Professions Advising Director

Email: [email protected]

CASL Advisors

Aijalon McLittle

Aijalon McLittle

Email: [email protected] 


Jake Regal

Jake Regal

Email: [email protected] 


CECS Advisors

Kyle McFarland

Kyle McFarland

Email: [email protected]

Kelsey Taylor

Kelsey Taylor

Email: [email protected]

CEHHS Advisor

Beth Adkins

Beth Adkins

Email: [email protected]


COB Advisor

Cody Brown

Cody Brown

Email: [email protected]


How to Reach Us

In-Person and Virtual

Since Fall 2021 semester, we have been available for university business in-person and virtually during normal business hours. Our in-person services are available at the START main office in the University Center room 1183.

The  operates during normal business hours. Students can meet in real-time with our office assistant staff who can assist with scheduling an appointment, appointment check-in, or re-directing to other campus resources.

We are answering our phone (313-593-5576) and responding to voicemails during normal business hours. You can continue to reach our office by email ([email protected]or through our Virtual Front Desk

Regular Hours

  • START is open Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm. 
  • Advising appointments are Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm.
  • Appointments should be scheduled 24 hours in advance.
  • Appointment times outside of our regular hours can be made available upon request.

START Advising

1183 - James C. Renick University Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128