Secondary Level-Based Certification
Prepares you to teach grades 6-12 in chosen content area(s).
The program's curriculum consists of academic study, professional preparation and field experience. This provides graduates with pedagogical and content-specific knowledge, readying them to work with diverse learners in the middle school and high school classroom. Throughout the program, undergraduates gain the experience they need to apply technology to the 21st century classroom.
With successful completion of the program, candidates earn both their bachelor's degree from the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters and the College of Education, Health, and Human Services faculty's recommendation for the Michigan Secondary Standard Certificate with endorsements in their major and optional minor areas of teaching specialty.
What will I Learn?
- Candidates for certification will be capable in their content specialty areas.
- Candidates for certification will be capable users of pedagogical knowledge.
- Candidates for certification will be reflective about their practice.
Degree Requirements
Secondary certification candidates complete their degree requirements through the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL). Completing a bachelor's degree with secondary certification requires a minimum of 120 credit hours.
View the Secondary Education Requirements in detail.
Secondary certification candidates must attain a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average, minimum 2.75 in the teaching major, minimum 2.75 in the teaching minor, and minimum 2.75 in the professional sequence.
Teaching and Endorsements
Majors | Minors |
Related Pages

MTTC Secondary Level-Based Information

Field Placement
Contact Information
CEHHS Office for Student Success
2150 Social Science Building (SSB)
[email protected]
CEHHS Office of Student Success
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126