Faculty Governance
The College of Education, Health, and Human Services and ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn operate under a shared governance system.
Faculty governance within the unit is exercised most directly through regular meetings of the CEHHS Executive Committee and of the entire Governing Faculty. The university and the CEHHS Executive Committee, Governing Faculty and authorize a number of faculty committees to support faculty governance.
ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn committees and CEHHS representatives
The ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Faculty Senate serves as the legislative arm of the Faculty Congress, and it is authorized to consider any subject pertaining to the interests of the Campus, and to make recommendations to the chancellor and the provost or to the Board of Regents in regard thereto.
Current members:
- Anda Botoseneanu (2027)
- Mesut Duran (2027)
- Dara Hill (2027)
- Natalie Sampson (2027)
Senate Council:
The UCDC is a standing committee of ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn. The committee’s charge is to: provide the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs with a university-level assessment of new course and degree program proposals; to serve, through its General Education Implementation Subcommittee, as the approval body for proposed general education curriculum; and to facilitate/monitor campus assessment activities through its University Assessment subcommittee. The UCDC Graduate Subcommittee (formally the stand alone committee known as the University of Michigan-Dearborn Graduate Subcommittee) bears responsibility for approving graduate course and degree program proposals as well as serving as the primary campus procedural body for Dearborn graduate programs.
Current members:
- Stein Brunvand (serves as Associate Dean)
- Paul Fossum: Grad Sub (2027)
- Chris Burke: UCDC (2027)
The Assessment Subcommittee of the University Curriculum and Degree Committee assists in the coordination of university-level assessment and oversees divisional or unit-level assessment, utilizing a distributed model for assessment with local responsibility. The Subcommittee maintains and implements the University Assessment Plan by monitoring and supporting assessment activities in individual units. It also coordinates assessment activities associated with university-level and program-level accreditation.
Current member:
- Dara Hill (2027)
The Dearborn Discovery Core (DDC) Subcommittee of the University Curriculum and Degree Committee functions as the review and approval body for the Dearborn Discovery Core.
Current member:
- LaShorage Shaffer (2027)
The Digital Education Subcommittee of UCDC assists in the development and coordination of university-level digital education academic and administrative policies, and provides advice and counsel on the campus's . (See: Digital Education Subcommittee Charter)
Current Member:
- Kyongson Park (2027)
CEHHS committees, positions and current memberships
The CEHHS Executive Committee, in addition to assisting with administrative functions, is charged with the duties of investigating and formulating educational and instructional policies for consideration by the faculty and acts for the faculty in matters of budgets, promotions and appointments. The committee consists of the dean, who serves as ex-officio, and four tenured faculty members.
Current members:
- Anda Botoseneanu (Health and Human Services, 2026)
- Natalie Sampson (Health and Human Services, 2026)
- Paul Fossum (Education, 2026)
- Kim Killu (Education, 2025)
- David Hill (Education, 2025)
The Governing Faculty is in charge of the affairs of CEHHS, except as this responsibility is delegated to the Executive. The Governing Faculty consists of those members of this faculty holding appointments in the college as professors, associate professors and assistant professors. Instructors and lecturers may vote only if authorized by a majority vote of the governing faculty.
Current members: Please see the CEHHS Faculty Directory for a list of current governing faculty members.
The Curriculum Committee serves as advisory to the Executive Committee. The Curriculum Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations regarding the approval of new courses, proposed changes to established courses and program requirements to ensure the integrity of the CEHHS’ curriculum. Membership consists of five members selected from the Governing Faculty. The chair is elected from the committee. The associate dean and the certification officer also attend meetings and serve ex-officio.
Current members:
- Stein Brunvand, Chair and ex-officio
- Finn Bell (2026)
- Erin Bronstein (2027)
The Professional Standards Committee considers student petitions for exceptions to plans of student study as prescribed by faculty advisers per program/degree requirements. The Professional Standards Committee consists of three members: the associate dean, the certification officer, and a third individual from the Governing Faculty. The associate dean serves as the committee chair.
Current members:
- Stein Brunvand, Chair and ex-officio
- Danielle DeFauw (2026)
- David Hill (2027)
- Jonathan Larson (attending)
The Academic Hearing and Professional Dispositions Board is charged with considering possible cases of violation of the Student Academic Code of Conduct and also considers concerns of a non-academic or non-academic variety that evidence potential problems for students entering the teaching profession (e.g. communication concerns, human relations problems, emotional stability).
Current members:
- Julie Taylor (2026)
- David Hill (2025)
- Brian Boggs (2025)
The Ed.D. Advisory Committee members review, discuss and vote as appropriate on issues related to Ed.D. program policies, procedures, and students. The committee is responsible for the annual review, discussion, selection and interviews of Ed.D. program applicants.
Current members:
- Stein Brunvand (coordinator)
- Chris Burke (2024)
- Paul Fossum (2025)
- Dara Hill (2026)
To assist the dean and the college, the faculty secretary is responsible for the preparation and distribution of calls for CEHHS faculty meetings, soliciting items for the agendas of college meetings, and preparation and distribution of the agendas and the minutes of faculty meetings. The secretary also conducts all college elections.
Current member:
- Dara Hill (2025)
The college parliamentarian rules on all points or questions of order that arise at meetings of the college faculty.
Current member:
- Paul Fossum (2026)
College of Education, Health, and Human Services
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126