Research Seminars
The College of Business hosts regular face-to-face seminars in which scholars from around the country present and discuss their current scholarly research in the business-related disciplines. Each discipline group within the College usually hosts one speaker each semester.
September 20, 2024: Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State University.
October 4, 2024: Senay Agca, George Washington University. Title: "The Reach of Corporate Governance Beyond the Grave:
Bankruptcy Decisions and Recoveries on Defaulted Debtâ€
October 18, 2024: Jessica Fong, University of Michigan. Title: "Consumer Inferences from Product Rankings: The Role of
Beliefs in Search Behavior"
November 1, 2024: Yeong-Hyun Hong, University of Michigan-Dearborn.
November 15, 2024: Jason Liu, University of Michigan-Dearborn.
December 6, 2024: Cynthia Jin, University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Past speakers
February 10, 2023: , Associate Professor in Operations Management, John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo. Title: “Sustainable Logistics System Design for Hybrid Commercial Dronesâ€
March 10, 2023: , Associate Professor of Marketing, Broad College of Business, Michigan State University. Title: “How Rewarding is Your Rewards Program? The Differential Effects of Experiential and Material Rewardsâ€
March 24, 2023: , Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation, College of Business, Michigan Tech. Title: “Acquiring architectural knowledge and the alliance vs acquisition choiceâ€
April 7, 2023: , Professor of Finance, College of Business, Florida International University.
December 2, 2022: Helet Botha, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Business Policy and Strategy, College of Business, University of Michigan-Dearborn. Title: "The Managerial Psychology of Stakeholder Conflict: Tradeoff vs. Integration"
November 18, 2022: , Professor of Accounting, Allen W. and Carol M. Schmidthorst College of Business, Bowling Green University. Title: "The Berkshire Toy Company - a Longitudinal Extension" Co-authored with Sally A. Baskharoun.
October 28, 2022: , Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business, University of Michigan-Dearborn. Title: "When do business buyers offer suppliers a 'second chance' after being betrayed? Role of emotions of betrayed business buyers"
October 7, 2022: , Professor of Finance, School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University. Title: "Do Firms Benefit from Carbon Risk Management? Evidence from the Credit Default Swaps Market"
April 1, 2022: , Associate Professor of Operations and Decision Technologies, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Title: "Delta Coverage: The Analytics Journey to Implement a Novel Nurse Deployment Solution" Co-authored with Pengyi Shi.
March 18, 2022: , Professor of Finance, Carson College of Business, Washington State University. Title: "The Termination Effect of US Single Stock Futures"
February 25, 2022: , Associate Professor in Supply Chain Management, College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo. Title: "Uncertainty: How to Understand and Deal With It"
December 3, 2021: , Assistant Professor of Finance, School of Business, University of Connecticut. Title: "Corporate M&As and labor market concentration: Efficiency gains or power grabs?" Co-authored with David Cicero (Auburn University) and Mo Shen (Auburn University).
November 12, 2021: , Assistant Professor of Strategy, Sacramento State. Title: "Seeking a Friend and an Ally." Co-authored with Steven Hyde, Eric Bachura, and Megan Thornton-Lugo.
October 29, 2021: Richard Schneible, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting, Seidman School of Business, Grand Valley State University. Title: "Management Forecast Precision and the Commonality of Analyst Information." Co-authored with Orie Barron, Lyndon Orton, and David Yu, all from Penn State University.
October 15, 2021: , Professor of Management and Chair of the Management and Marketing Department, College of Business, North Dakota State University. Title: "Dynamics in Buyer-Supplier Relationships and Sourcing Choice Sequence"