Common University Acronyms

Colleges seem to have a whole unique language now, and 蹤獲扦-Dearborn is no different! On this page you'll find acronyms, abbreviations, and other terms that you might hear, but don't know what they are. For starters, here at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, we talk about four colleges, each with its own abbreviation. So if someone asks you What college are you in? They mean:

  • CASL: College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
  • COB: College of Business
  • CEHHS: College of Education, Health, and Human Services
  • CECS: College of Engineering and Computer Science

To find other terms, use the links below to jump to a letter or scroll through the page. Buildings are also included - check out this map to find where they are located.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


AB: Administration Building

Add/Drop: This refers to dropping and adding classes, and there are specific times during the term when this must occur. Visit the for specific details.

APC: Auxiliary Program Center


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CA: CASL Annex

Career Connections:This database of employment opportunities includes full, part-time, and internship/co-op positions. Start early to find positions you might be interested in so you can work towards gaining the skills needed!

Canvas: This is the Learning Management System (LMS) used at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn and is similar to others you may have used such as Google Classroom or Blackboard. Use this to access most of your courses to find resources such as the syllabus, assignments, and readings. Note that not all faculty use this tool.

CASL: College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (often pronounced "Castle")

CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is here to help you maintain your mental health and wellness so you can succeed. Visit for more information.

CB: Another acronym used for CASL Building

CECS: College of Engineering and Computer Science

CEHHS: College of Education, Health, and Human Services (often pronounced "Chess")

Chancellor: This is the individual who is in charge of everything for 蹤獲扦-Dearborn. They are responsible for strategic planning for campus and the overall campus vision. 

CIS: Computer and Information Science (this is a building and a major!)

COB: College of Business

Co-op/Internship: Different majors may use different terms to describe the experiences that will help you build essential transferable skills that can be used in a professional setting. These can be paid, unpaid, for credit, or not for credit - visit for information for your specific college.

CR: Chancellors Residence

CSJI: The Center for Social Justice and Inclusion values and celebrates the uniqueness of each individual, seeking to remove barriers by providing programs and activities that will enable all students to meet their full potential, and experience meaningful involvement on campus and in the community. Their programming areas include LGBTQ+, Veterans, Multicultural, and Women.

CSS: Campus Support Services


DAS: Disability and Accessibility Services

Dean: The individuals who are responsible for all of the activities of each college. We have four deans at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, one for each of the colleges. 

Degree Works: This is an online auditing tool to help you monitor your degree completion progress.

DDC: Dearborn Discovery Core is the name of 蹤獲扦-Dearborn's general education program for undergraduate students. These classes serve as a means of discovery for students, providing a foundation for learning, connecting to potential new areas of interest and building tools for success in whatever field a student pursues.

Drop/Add: This refers to dropping and adding classes, and there are specific times during the term when this must occur. Visit the for specific details.

: Use this online file and collaboration to share, upload, download and edit files. Login with your university login and password.

Duo Mobile: Mobile phone application used as the second authentication piece for all university systems (Canvas, 蹤獲扦 Google, time sheets, etc.).


ECE: Electrical and Computer Engineer

ECEC: Early Childhood Education Center

EIC: Environmental Interpretive Center

ELB: Engineering Lab Building

Enrollment Deposit: An amount that you pay to hold your seat once youve been admitted. This amount is typically applied to your first semester account.  You may seek a refund if you do not decide to enroll at a particular school, though some schools will have a deadline to take this action.

Experiential Learning: This the process of learning by experience, and then reflecting on this experience. It can be a more formal experience such as a co-op or internship as well as being involved in a student org or team and reflecting on the skills gained.


Faculty: These are specialists in their fields who teach the courses at the University. They have different rankings, largely based on their degrees and experience. Address them as Professor [LASTNAME] in (and out!) of the classroom unless otherwise instructed.

:  Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  The form required by the Department of Education (DOE) to determine your eligibility for federal funding.  Uses tax return information to calculate your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which is used by the DOE and schools to determine your access/eligibility for need-based funds.

FCN: Fairlane Center North

FCS: Fairlane Center South

FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

First Gen: At 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, a first generation college student is defined as a student whose parent(s) or guardian(s) did not have the opportunity to complete a bachelor's degree.

FLCE: Fairlane Cottage East 3B

FLCN: Fairlane Cottage North 2C

FLCS: Fairlane Cottage South 1A

FLPB: Fairlane Pony Barn

FH/WC: FieldHouse/ Wellness Center


GB: Grounds Building


HHS: Health and Human Services

Hold: According to the Registrar's Office, you can't register if you have a hold credit. They say "A hold credit could result from having outstanding financial obligations to the university, academic probation, mandatory advising or other academic or non-academic conditions that require resolution prior to registration." You can check view your holds in . In reference to the , a "hold" is a request for a book that will be then held for you at the circulation desk for 7 days.

HPEC: Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex


IAVS: Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems

IMSE: Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

ITS: Information Technology Services provides consistent and secure delivery of computing resources to the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn campus community. The HelpDesk can answer questions and provide solutions for problems related to IT. Contact them for questions regarding uniqname and password issues (logging in to campus resources), UPrint (a printing service for all students), campus computer labs, software for campus or home use, file storage or email (Box or Google problems).


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Liberal Arts: This includes academic subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and social and physical sciences as distinct from professional and technical subjects. At 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, these are found in CASL.


: This is an online directory that contains profiles for all individuals (students, faculty, staff, and alumni) on all three campuses.

ME:  Mechanical Engineering

ML: Mardigian Library

MPS: Monteith Parking Structure

MRL: Modular Research Laboratory

MSEL: Manufacturing System Engineering Lab

(M)Talent: This is the distinction on the official transcript that students can earn through the Talent Gateway.

: This portal provides students with the opportunity to see tasks that they need to complete, schedule appointments, access key university resources, and use search or utilize a chatbot for answers to common questions


NSB: Natural Sciences Building

NSBS: Natural Sciences Building South


Office hours: These are open times when you can meet with your faculty to discuss the material being presented in class or other related interests you have. Faculty usually announce their office hours on the first day of class, and they want you to come!

OIA: Office of International Affairs

Ombuds: Ombuds Services provides students with independent, impartial, informal, and confidential assistance regarding 蹤獲扦-Dearborn policies and procedures. Note that confidentiality cannot be promised if there is serious risk of imminent harm or if required by law.

OMI: The Office of Community Engaged Learning (formerly: Office of Metropolitan Impact) strives to deepen the volume, value, and impact of mutually beneficial community partnerships for purposes of enhancing excellence in research, teaching, learning, and service in support of the University of Michigan Dearborn's mission and vision.


PEC: Professional Education Center

Prerequisite: This is a course that is required before you take another course because the material builds on the knowledge gained in the first course.

Provost: This is the chief academic officer of a university or college and is responsible for all curriculum and academic programs. At 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, the Provost is also responsible for global learning, digital education, the library, research, enrollment management, and student affairs.


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Recitation: Sections that provide students with additional time with their instructors to go over problems similar to the ones assigned, review the lecture and help clarify subject matter that was not fully explained or understood. 

Registrar: This is the office responsible for all of student records and class registration. They handle all class lists, transcripts, add/drop, and many other records. 

ROC: Recreation and Organization Center (currently closed)


SACUA: The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs is the executive arm of the University of Michigan Faculty Senate and of the Senate Assembly, the primary faculty governance unit of the University.

SAP: Satisfactory Academic Progress

SEP: Student Educational Plan

SFC: Science Faculty Center

SLC: The Science Learning Center helps all students succeed in science courses and laboratories by emphasizing and teaching essential mathematical, graphing and laboratory skills. The SLC also provides self-paced practice with the instruments before class. It is located in 1143 Natural Sciences Building South (NSBS).

SLRC: Science Learning & Research Center

SSB: Social Sciences Building

START: The Student Advising and Resource Team: This department helps undergraduate students begin their academic career at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn with a strong foundation for success understanding degree requirements, scheduling, selecting a major or managing school/life balance. CECS transfer students who are admitted directly to their major and all College of Business transfer students are advised in the individual college (not START).

Supplemental Instruction (SI): These are optional peer led study sessions for specific courses. These sessions allow students to ask questions, compare notes, discuss class topics further, and help students understand the class material. 

Syllabus: This is an outline for a course that includes due dates, assignments and so on.


Transcript: This is your complete official academic record at the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn.


UC: University Center

蹤獲扦 Google: Use your University email for coursework, on your resume, etc. Use tools such as Slides and Docs to work on presentations and papers with classmates.

Uniqname: The first part of your email address used to login to a variety of sites (before the

UPrint: This is a printing service for all 蹤獲扦-Dearborn students. This service allows you to print from any campus computer as well as directly from your laptop. Every student receives $25 every semester, which is equal to 500 black and white pages.

U@D: The Union at Dearborn


: This is the online hub for all student organizations and campus resources at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn. Use this tool to find and join student organizations you are interested in as well as find all of the events that are happening around campus. You can also track your service hours here.


Waitlist: This means a class is full and you are on the waitlist. See the for the official policy.

Withdrawal: This means to officially withdraw from all courses. See the for the official policy.

Work Study: This is a federally-subsidized hourly wage job program, which gives domestic students the opportunity to earn their award through employment. Some on campus employers require students to have work study, so be sure to let them know when applying for jobs! Work study can also be used off campus at non-profit organizations.


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