Young Naturalist Program

Year-Round Young Naturalist Program
This year-round program offers four seasons of exciting outdoor science and nature investigations for children 9 to 12 years old. Monthly sessions take place on Saturdays from 9:30 am to noon, starting in September and continuing through May.
Dates 2024-2025: Sept. 21, Oct. 19,Nov. 15*,Dec. 14, Jan. 18, Feb. 15, Mar. 15, Apr. 19, May 10*Friday evening program*
2024-2025 program registration open!
Session topics include pond studies, insects and spiders, creatures of the soil, birds and migration, owls, animal tracking, wildflowers and trees, and learning about how maple syrup is made right here at the EIC.
This program is tailored for children who have a strong interest in exploring nature outdoors within a mutually supportive peer setting.
Each participant will receive a complete set of field equipment including a field pack, nature journal, and field guides to bring to each program session. There is a $110 fee for this program. The fee includes approximately $50 worth of supplies listed above.
Please email [email protected] for more information.
Summer Science & Nature Camp
Check back next spring for our next week of camp!
Get your child outdoors and learning about nature! Led by 蹤獲扦-Dearborn student interpreters, this science-oriented program provides direct, hands-on learning in a beautiful natural setting. Session topics will include; pond life, birds, insects and spiders, and frogs and turtles.
Summer camps run Monday- Thursday from 9:30am- noon
Camp week 1: July 8-12th for kids ages 7-9 year
Camp week 2: July 15-18th for kids ages 10-12 year
There is a program fee of $60 per student.
Prepare your child for each session with appropriate dress for the weather and environments (sturdy shoes, warm/cool/dry layers). Please apply or pack sunscreen and bug repellent for your student each day, we will not provide these for campers.
Once you register more information will be sent out to the parent/guardian. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out via email to or call 313-593-5376