Digital Education Subcommittee Charter

  1. Name: Digital Education Subcommittee 
  2. Object: The Digital Education Subcommittee assists in the development of university-​-level practices and policies pertaining to digital education spanning online, hybrid and face-to-face instruction. The subcommittee advises the Associate Provost who is responsible for digital education in matters related to the quality of online, hybrid and face-to-face instruction, faculty and student needs for support in these areas, and strategic approaches to digital education campus-wide. 
  3. Membership: The Digital Education Subcommittee shall be led by the Associate Provost who is responsible for digital education, who serves ex officio without a vote (except to break a tie), and one faculty member from each of the colleges at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Also serving ex officio without a vote (under any circumstances) will be the University Coordinator of Digital Education, a Mardigian Library representative, an Instructional Designer from the Hub for Teaching and Learning Resources, the Director of Academic Success, and the Director of CECS Online. 
  4. Term Length and Selection: In accordance with the Faculty Senate Procedures for Holding Election to Fill FS Committees, approved on December 13, 2021, all faculty committee members from the colleges shall be elected by the faculty from their unit. Members shall serve a two-year term and are eligible for reelection immediately following the end of their term of service.