
Life lessons: Beta Alpha Psi members teach at local school, see importance of giving

Beta Alpha Psi members bring business lessons—and boxes and boxes of books—to Paul Robeson Malcolm X Academy students....

Exponential growth: Students’ summer math experience opens minds, doors

Students' eight-week summer research program in mathematics opened minds ... and doors....

Education formations: Students travel to Cyprus for summer geology course

Students experienced the ultimate capstone project this summer when they traveled to Cyprus to explore the Mediterranean landscape....

A profitable experience: Students, nonprofits partner in campus event

Students, nonprofits partnered together this summer to tackle issues facing southeast Michigan's nonprofit organizations....

The picture of health: Students see, help with public health needs in Detroit

College of Education, Health, and Human Services students use summer internships to help Detroit citizens lead healthier lives....

Finding the way: Physics student looks to the sky for research goals

Physics student Brittany Howard looks to the night sky (and a Chilean observatory) to chart her research goals....

Lab results: Department gets space for field findings, instruction

There’s a new place on campus to help students understand the old....

Skill-building to a science: CECS co-op program promotes networking, confidence

When it came to choosing between an earlier graduation date or experience, senior Stephanie Chung chose experience—more specifically, the Engineering Cooperative Education Program....

Taking in the sites: Students experience history through new study abroad course

While on the grounds of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Katrina Stack had one thought run through her head: “I’m walking on ashes.”...

The right formula: More testing leads to better results for FSAE team

-Dearborn Formula SAE team member Trent Brown competed in the endurance event at the Formula SAE Series competition at the Michigan International Speedway. The team placed 8th out of 110....